NO RISK = NO FUN - Jillian Johnson, Founder of #LEGS, The Ladies Executive Golf Society

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"Perfection is the opposite of GO!"... Jillian Johnson - #LEGS Ladies Executive Golf Society
My first job in Jacksonville was caddying at Sawgrass and woman I met at the club said, "I really want to learn how to golf". But you're not going to go out on your own and practice putting. You wouldn't go out on a range if you have no idea what you're doing and no clubs. So figured I might as well start something for all levels. Whether you are a Collegiate golfer or someone who has never touched a club before, the vision was to create an experience where women could really experience the magic that happens on the golf course in a female friendly way.
Join our mission to make golf more innovative, inclusive and fun... and WIN some awesome golf gear!
As the creator and host of The ModGolf Podcast and YouTube channel I've been telling golf entrepreneurship and innovation stories since May 2017 and I love the community of ModGolfers that we are building.
I'm excited to announce that I just launched our ModGolf Patreon page to bring together our close-knit community of golf-loving people! As my Patron you will get access to exclusive live monthly interactive shows where you can participate, ask-me-anything video events, bonus content, golf product discounts and entry in members-only ModGolf Giveaway contests.
I'm offering two monthly membership tiers at $5 and $15 USD, but you can also join for free. Your subscription will ensure that The ModGolf Podcast continues to grow so that I can focus on creating unique and impactful stories that support and celebrate the future of golf.
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I look forward to seeing you during an upcoming live show!... Colin (
Click on the image below to watch our extended conversation with Jillian on our Youtube Channel (! (
"If you want something bad enough, you can make it happen"
"How do I want to be remembered? As the insurance lady or for doing something cool and different that makes a positive impact in women's lives?"
"I want more women out doing business on the golf course. I was in sales and calling on all these large organizations to find that there were hardly any female CEOs. I thought, "what can we do to continue to lift up women towards leadership through golf?" Because I think the world would be a better place, but my natural tendency is towards fun. So my goal: why don't we try and do this and accomplish this mission but have some fun while we're at it."
You can also connect with Jillian on her bio page (, along with checking out the #LEGS ( website. (
Episode Chapters
[04:00] Jillian provides us with an overview of #LEGS Ladies Executive Golf Society.
[06:20] Jillian shares the "AHA moment" that led to the creation of #LEGS.
[07:30] We learn about the people that encouraged Jillian to take the entrepreneurial leap.
[10:00] "It all started with a flyer and a sticker!" We hear about the first #LEGS pilot event in South Florida that helped inform the business model.
[12:50] "Perfection is the opposite of GO." Jillian shares how she applied The Lean Startup approach to #LEGS.
[15:30] Jillian talks about getting over the fear of failure and embracing a mindset of growth and curiousity as an entrepreneur.
[17:00] "So what do women really want from golf?" We learn where Jillian drew inspiration from to create the #LEGS experience.
[21:40] Colin asks Jillian how #LEGS attracts and onboards non-golfing women like his wife.
[28:40] Jillian discusses the #LEGS growth plan for creating chapters in every state of the US.
[31:30] Jillian shares some inspiring #LEGS member success stories.
[34:00] Colin asks how women listening can learn about starting a #LEGS chapter in their community.
[36:10] Jillian talks about the future for #LEGS and the launch of thier upcoming "Swinging To Success" series.
[38:30] Jillian explains the benefits #LEGS offers for golf courses, women golfers and sponsor partners. Special Guest: Jillian Johnson - Founder of #LEGS - The Ladies Executive Golf Society ⛳️.

NO RISK = NO FUN - Jillian Johnson, Founder of #LEGS, The Ladies Executive Golf Society

NO RISK = NO FUN - Jillian Johnson, Founder of #LEGS, The Ladies Executive Golf Society
Release Date
