Showing God Love towards Others

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Most times, we do not realize it but when we show an act of kindness or love to someone, even if we might not say it, deep down, we want that act of love to be expressed or shown to us. When he or she doesn’t meet our expectations, we become petty and stop loving.

Ask and examine yourself..
Love is not a business transaction. Love is not a give and take situation. It is all about giving and not expecting anything in return. Yes, it hurts when we love and we are not loved in return, feeling going to come because you are human

God’s love suffers long and is kind.
God’s love is not easily provoked.
God’s love is sacrificial.
God’s love does not rejoice in iniquity.
God’s love is patient.
God’s love is unconditional.
God’s love is limitless.
God’s love forgave others of their wrong in Christ Jesus.

The people in your needs this all the time because life is a everyday challenge

Praying for and with others is a vital way to show God’s love. When we love someone, we pray for them and with them. If you know a friend or someone who is in a challenging phase in their life, pray for them and with them. When we pray
Change is Good Always for the Glory of God
if you have money to give and it will help the person in need do it because it is Better to give than Receive be wise and pray
the young Teenagers and young Adults are looking at the way we treat each other at home or church and if you want them to stay in the church pray and remember what Jesus did for you

When it seems like the offence is unforgivable, think about your many offences that God has forgiven you of.
When you do bad to others by repaying them for how they wronged you, you are not loving the Godly way.
There is no stop button to God’s love for you.
Showing God’s kind of love to others is not a sign of weakness but rather a sign of spiritual maturity.
When you love others, you do not backbite or gossip about them behind their backs.


Showing God Love towards Others

Showing God Love towards Others
Release Date
