Do you Believe in the God ?

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n the Bible, faith is defined as trust and belief in God and his promises, even though it's not possible to see God or how he works. Hebrews 11:1 of the Bible describes faith as "the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen". 

The expression “just have faith, it will work out” is used by people to encourage and comfort someone facing serious problems or stressful situations. But just what is faith as described in the Bible, and does it really work?

Many in Christianity today use the words faith and belief interchangeably. But is there a difference between these words in the Bible?

The members of the Church of God in Philippi believed God’s Word, and they obeyed His commandments. As they listened and followed Paul’s instruction on giving their cares to God in believing prayer, their faith (belief and trust) was increased.

Do you Believe in the God ?

Do you Believe in the God ?
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