The power of reflection and paying attention in building your law career in M&A with Jessika Colthurst

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Jessika Colthurst did not start out her university career thinking she would be a lawyer, in fact she was studying accounting and psychology when an introduction to law lecturer piqued her interest. That was a catalyst for a series of decisions which has led Jessika to become an M&A rising star here in Tokyo. If you are feeling behind in your law studies or career or out of alignment with what you are doing, then this episode is for you.
In this episode you’ll hear:

How Jessika found her way to the law via psychology, accounting and South East Asia
The importance of following your gut and how Jessika did this with great success
Why it’s really never too late for anything you want to do in your legal career and life
How Jessika’s life changed just by paying attention to what was happening around her
Some fun information about what it’s like to work in a Japanese company
What Jessika loves about being a cross border M&A lawyer
Her favourite book and other fun facts

About Jessika
Jessika is Japanese-Australian-American and has spent formative years in all three countries. She was born in Australia to American and Japanese parents, lived in Texas for over 5 years, Japan for the next 4, and then Australia again where she finished her schooling and attended university.
Jessika began her legal career at a national law firm in Australia. Through great luck and good timing, she was given the opportunity be seconded from the firm to the legal department of a trading house in Tokyo.  Jessika had always wanted to return to Japan at some point as an adult and test what she could do with her career in Tokyo.  She never expected an opportunity to arise this early in her career (at least without more effort and intentional planning) so she jumped at the opportunity.  Jessika was on secondment for nearly 2.5 years and loved her Tokyo life.  She was joined 6 months after she arrived by her then-boyfriend who is now her husband.  They both love living and working in Tokyo and have made many great friends over the years, so as her secondment was coming to an end, they felt they weren't ready to leave.  Jessika looked for opportunities to join a law firm with an office in Tokyo as she was itching to get back into private practice.  A good friend (and now colleague) introduced her to a Partner heading up  Ashurst's Japan Corporate Transactions practice.  Jessika knew immediately that she could learn so much from the Partner, and since then, has been really inspired by her passion and drive. Jessika joined Ashurst in September 2019 and has been beavering away in their busy Japan Corporate Transactions practice ever since.
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The power of reflection and paying attention in building your law career in M&A with Jessika Colthurst

The power of reflection and paying attention in building your law career in M&A with Jessika Colthurst
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