How to END the Vicious Cycle of Hurt

Release Date:

Sometimes despite best intentions and love for one another, we may find ourselves in a situation where we are continuously hurting one another and drifting farther and farther away.  In this episode, we dive into the topic of emotional disconnection and connection. We also talk about a technique called "repair" in the context of moment-to-moment conflict situations to help us navigate the ups and downs of our relationships.
HomeWork- Complete and share this with your partner

New beginnings start with understanding how we created the trap that we are caught in can you share one cue/trigger that sparks the distancing?

Can you identify exactly how you push your partner away from you or make it dangerous for them to come closer?

Can you identify what you tell yourself once you have emotionally withdrawn to justify separation and discourage yourself from reaching out to your partner?

Does YOUR PARTNER'S perception of how EMOTIONALLY accessible, responsive, &  engaged you are fit with your view of yourself in the Relationship?

Podcast Mentions
Repair by John Gottman: R is For Repair
Dr. Sue Johnson:  Hold Me Tight
Therapy for Black Men: Find a Therapist
Therapy for Black Girls: Find a Therapist
CBT Thought Diary:
Libby Audiobook Library:


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How to END the Vicious Cycle of Hurt

How to END the Vicious Cycle of Hurt
Release Date
