Episode 63 Dallas Police Dept. Joey Arvizu #10624 and his wife Cathy Arvizu

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Episode 63 Dallas Police Joey Arvizu #10624
Today’s story time features a true warrior and an incredibly kind human being that also happens to be a Dallas Police Officer.
Jose Julian Arvizu hired on with the Dallas Police Department in 2013 and spent most of his time at the Southeast Division (God’s Country) and quickly gained a reputation as being a by the book officer and natural born leader.
This episode tells the story of a Marine, a Police Officer, and a dedicated husband whose life changed on April 18th 2018 as he found himself within a whisper of death.
While training for a charity boxing match, known as Guns and Hoses, Joey began sparring and woke up in Baylor Hospital trying to figure out what happened to him.
His wife, Cathy, stood by his side through all of the fears and all of the unknowns as he fought for his life.
Cathy had always heard of the “Blue Family” but she witnessed, first hand, just how strong that thin blue line is when one of its family is in need of help.
ATO family welcome on the Arvizu family.
Critical Incident discussed:
On April 18th, 2018 Joey Arvizu suffered a brain bleed while prepping for a charity boxing match.
Guns and Hoses event is an annual event that features local police and fire in boxing matches.

Episode 63 Dallas Police Dept. Joey Arvizu #10624 and his wife Cathy Arvizu

Episode 63 Dallas Police Dept. Joey Arvizu #10624 and his wife Cathy Arvizu
Release Date
