Episode 54 Dallas Police Sgt. Gordon Fulton #10785: Walking on a Razors Edge

Release Date:

Episode 54
Dallas Police Gordon Fulton #10785
“Walking on a razors edge “

Today’s story is a unique journey of heartbreak, darkness, accountability and redemption as this guest truly battled that demon in a bottle.

The Dallas Police recently created a policy to assist officers that are struggling with alcoholism to come forward and seek help and have full support from the Dept. More importantly, it was created to establish a culture to have a conversation, the brutally tough ones, to shine a light on the first responder worlds dark secret…..alcohol issues. The first responder community has a long culture of drinking to cope with the cumulative ptsd that occurs daily and throughout a long career.
The Assist the Officer Foundation is proud to sit down with one of these success stories and hear a courageous tale of divine intervention and a lot of dominos that fell perfectly into place to help this young man have a new lease on life in both mind and body.
This story is raw, candid and a peek inside the life of someone who is struggling in the shadows to cope with the rigors of this profession. Gordon said if his story can help one other officer come forward and get help then sharing his story is worth it. 
To the many other agencies across the country: 
Its not a matter of IF you have employees who are struggling…..THEY ARE.
Build it….. They Will Come. 
It Could Save a Life and Career. 
If you would like more info on the Dallas PD Alcohol Leave policy reach out to ATOBrIdging@gmail.com
Critical Incident:
The mass shooting in downtown Dallas Texas on July 7th 2016 that resulted in the death of 5 officers.
Paul Miltenberger was struck by a vehicle and killed in April of 2015.
Dallas Police Dept. Sgt. Michael Smith End of Watch: 7/7/16
Dart Officer Brent Thompson End of Watch: 7/7/16

Episode 54 Dallas Police Sgt. Gordon Fulton #10785: Walking on a Razors Edge

Episode 54 Dallas Police Sgt. Gordon Fulton #10785: Walking on a Razors Edge
Release Date
