Episode 46 Dallas PD Officer Rodney Harrison #11961: Everybody Deserves a Second Chance

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”everybody deserves a second chance “
Today the ATO is proud to present our “rookie” episode as we sit down with young Dallas Police Officer Rodney Harrison.
We wanted a rookies perspective in starting this profession in today’s climate of culture change as well as public perception in law enforcement. However we got more than we bargained for in booking young Rodney as he has an interesting life story that started well before career putting on a gun and badge and taking an oath.
He attended Berklee College of Music, that gave us talents such as Quincy Jones and John Mayer, and put this degree to use in starting a music therapy program for an inpatient facility that specialized in dialectical and cognitive behavioral therapy. This program afforded him the ability to a music studio where he would either find musicians who lost their love of music due to addiction or provide a learning environment to those who wanted to get into music.
Most first responders have a “why” they choose to serve and protect and Rodney explains that moment when life directed him to serve and truly take evil off of the streets as he tells the story of his grandmother was visited by pure evil when he was 16 years old. This senseless crime fueled him to follow his heart to becoming a protector and why he chose the City of Dallas to pursue this passion.
Rodney joined the DPD in January of 2020 and a few months later the world shut down and the Dallas police department found itself, like the rest of the world, in uncharted territory as the police department could not shut down as the fear and uncertainty of Covid had to be navigated.
Rodney has a quote from his bio that I love: “My biggest thing was to find my why and to chase what I was passionate about….find something that fuels you so you can always use to embers when you need a push”
I think these are pretty wise words to live by….especially from a “Rookie”. – J. King

Episode 46 Dallas PD Officer Rodney Harrison #11961: Everybody Deserves a Second Chance

Episode 46 Dallas PD Officer Rodney Harrison #11961: Everybody Deserves a Second Chance
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