Vayigash ויגש 2023 our True Home

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The Jews settle in Goshen, which is in the land of Mitzraim and take ownership over it. This seems conflicting since earlier Hashem had told Avraham that his children would be foreigners in a ‘strange land’ .Therefore, the Torah relates that Goshen is in the land of Mitzraim even though we know that already. This is to teach us that although we are living in Goshen, which is the nicest part of town and living a good life, one should always remember that this is not where we belong. We are still in Mitzraim- which represents Golus. In a deeper sense, the purpose of being foreigners is to elevate the ( hidden and holy) sparks and make the world a better place. We must always remember that this is not where we truly belong; but rather are here only to improve and elevate this world. Only then will we have accomplished the purpose of Golus.
לקו״ש טו

Vayigash ויגש 2023 our True Home

Vayigash ויגש 2023 our True Home
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