Shlach שלח 2023 the True Messenger

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Just like by Naaseh V'nishma, as important as the Nishma is to understand what you’re doing and that it should makes sense to you, however it must be based purely on the Naaseh following exactly as you’re told,so when Moshe sent spies, even though he wanted them to use their own mind in searching the land the idea of Naaseh, but at the end they deviated from their shlichus , and they completely relied on their own mind and came up with their own conclusion,that we can’t go into the land, And being that a person sees things subjectively therefore it’s never really purely true, only someone like Moshe is able to perceive things in a way that is purely true,and therefore it must always be based on Moshe. לקו״ש כג

Shlach שלח 2023 the True Messenger

Shlach שלח 2023 the True Messenger
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