Emor אמור 2024 Transforming Darkness to Light

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When the Torah mentions Shulamis Bas Divri, it says that she was not perfect in the area of Tznius, however, all the other women were perfect in that area, and therefore, that’s a praise for the Jewish people. The question arises that since Torah never speaks negatively, even about an unkosher animal, why would the Torah say something negative about her? The answer is that through mentioning her, it brings an extra awareness to the sensitivity of Tznius- which actually turns out to be a praise for her. Regarding Tshuva done out of love, the Alter Rebbi explains that this type of Tshuva is inspired by the distance one feels from G-d due to one’s sins, and the desire to love Him, which actually causes one to then do mitzvos. This ‘about face’ actually transforms all one’s sins to mitzvahs- turning the negative into a positive.

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Emor אמור 2024 Transforming Darkness to Light

Emor אמור 2024 Transforming Darkness to Light
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