AT&T’s Journey into a Digitized Ecosystem with Eric Boyer, EVP - Customer Technology Platforms, AT&T

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This week we have a special episode of Future of Tech!   Avishai recently got a chance to sit down with Eric Boyer, The EVP of Customer Technology Platforms at AT&T to discuss how current and future innovations are going to have massive ripple effects into the businesses of tomorrow.    The world is more connected than ever because of the internet, and this interconnectedness will only increase. How will all this interconnection empower individuals and businesses?   Today’s guest Eric Boyer, the EVP of Customer Technology Platforms at AT&T, is an ideal person to speak about technology’s ability to connect people and ideas, and talk about how technology is being utilized strategically in business.   On this episode of Future of Tech, Eric shares his thoughts about the potential force artificial intelligence and 5G may have in changing our world.   He also gives some guidance on how business leaders can approach digitally transforming their own companies. Enjoy the episode.    Main Takeaways: A Culture of Digital Transformation: For Eric, digital transformation begins with culture. According to him, “it starts with people.” He suggests that after getting one’s people bought into the goal, “the easy part is picking the technologies.” Eric also describes how ATT is transforming to make sure that customers can shift smoothly between multiple products and channels. The Importance of Communication: Eric explains how communication is an essential part of leadership to get a team moving in the desired direction. He also suggests that clearly communicating the company’s goal may help to retain talent. The Impact of AI and 5G: Regarding AI, Eric makes the point that sometimes people get caught in the hype. That said, he offers that: “AI is not going to solve all the world’s problems today. It will, if used correctly, I believe, solve a lot of problems tomorrow.” Concerning 5G, Eric sees the amazing potential of 5G but muses how many of its life-changing applications may be beyond current notions of the impact that it will have.   Key Quotes: [37:41] “And the place that we’re in, and what I tell my team today is, historically… technology has almost been viewed as a cost center. And now, it is a strategic partner that plays a critical role at the decision making table — where we need a business strategy and… before the ink is dry on the business strategy, you have to have a technology strategy that immediately aligns for the execution of that business strategy. That’s the place that we are today in our evolution. I think tomorrow the technology strategy and the business strategy are being done together by the same people.” [07:29] “We have a business that is largely built on a technology stack that is a bit dated. And we made major investments to build a very modern microservices based set of technologies to interconnect with those platforms to help us bring e-commerce to our customers and help significantly ease the ability of our customers… to do business with us.” [09:13] “I think it starts with people. And then… I think it becomes culture. And I think the technology change is almost easy once you’ve aligned your people around a mission and you’ve created the culture that you need. The easy part is picking the technologies. The hard part is getting people aligned to build those technologies out to meet the purposes that you’re trying to achieve.” [21:09] “I believe we do retain more people if they feel like they’re involved and they’re part of the cause. But as importantly is, I think, we’re able to get more done as a team. I think people are able to contribute more if they really feel bought in and they understand the purpose of what we’re trying to do and why we’re trying to do it. I think we tend to get more done as a team when everybody’s on board and a part of the solution.” [25:58] “I think it’s a fool’s game to sort of get sucked into, ‘Okay… everything is going to be answered because we’re connected to this AI solution.’ With that said, I think AI is extremely powerful… You have to be thoughtful about your architecture and how your data is being managed. And if you are, then I think you can smartly deploy AI throughout your architecture, and you can iterate your way to very positive outcomes. And so, AI is not going to solve all the world’s problems today. It will, if used correctly, I believe, solve a lot of problems tomorrow. And it will grow into those solutions over time.” [46:21] “I would say, absolutely, that one should invest in a technology career and invest in education in technology. But I think you need to think broadly about that because even if you want to spend the majority of your career in technology, you'll be so much more effective if you have appreciation for the other parts of business that work together with technology to achieve the outcomes that we all hope to achieve.” 

AT&T’s Journey into a Digitized Ecosystem with Eric Boyer, EVP - Customer Technology Platforms, AT&T

AT&T’s Journey into a Digitized Ecosystem with Eric Boyer, EVP - Customer Technology Platforms, AT&T
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