Why you sometimes need to put your marketing hat on

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In this episode, I am diving into a topic that might seem a bit unexpected for us number crunchers: marketing.

Yes, you heard it right! But before you hit that pause button, let me tell you why sometimes, you need to put your marketing hat on.

As the great Seth Godin once said, “Don’t find customers for your product; find products for your customers.” It’s all about understanding your audience and delivering what they need, not just pushing your agenda. So, why should we, as statisticians, consider marketing an important part of our job? Well, think about it this way: we could have the most groundbreaking statistical methods at our disposal, but if we can’t communicate their value to others, what good are they?

Marketing helps bridge that gap between complex data and real-world impact.

Who are your competitors?

How do we define them, and why does it matter? Knowing who else is out there doing similar work not only keeps us on our toes but also presents opportunities for collaboration and differentiation. It’s all part of the game of staying relevant and valuable in our field.

What is marketing differentiation?

Being different and unique is key in today’s progressive form of marketing. It’s not about shouting the loudest; it’s about standing out in a meaningful way. Showcasing what sets you apart can attract the right kind of attention and build stronger connections with your audience.

Why you sometimes need to put your marketing hat on

Why you sometimes need to put your marketing hat on
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