38 Chapter X: Out of Compassion - The Manyfolk

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Luang Por and the Lay Community: Part 5 THE MANYFOLK

The majority of Luang Por’s lay disciples and daily visitors were peasant farmers. Speaking to a group of local people, he turned to a favourite theme: ‘knowing what’s what’, not living blindly from day to day, but bearing in mind the guiding principles laid down by the Buddha:

So many Buddhists are still deluded and superstitious. From my reflections, I’d say that it’s through not having grasped the main principles of Dhamma that they’ve gained no real ease in their lives. Just like people farming the soil without understanding about strains of rice or crop rotation, they don’t know how to pick out what’s of use to them and what’s not.

38 Chapter X: Out of Compassion - The Manyfolk

38 Chapter X: Out of Compassion - The Manyfolk
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