Rudra-saṁhitā, Satīkhaṇḍa 4—Kāma Marries Rati

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Nārada said, “O lord Brahmā, O Viṣṇu’s disciple of great intellect, O creator of the world, you have narrated a wonderful story consisting of the nectar of Śiva’s divine sports. O dear one, what happened thereafter? Please tell me now. I am all attention to a narrative based on Śiva’s life.” Brahmā said, “When Śiva had gone back to His place and I, Brahmā had vanished from the scene, Dakṣa remembered my words and spoke to Kāma. Dakṣa said, “O Kāma, this girl is born of my body. She is endowed with beauty and good qualities. She fits you admirably. Take her as your wife. This powerful girl shall ever be under your righteous control,  and shall be your constant companion as long as you wish.” Brahmā said, “Saying so, he presented to him the girl born of his sweat after naming her Rati.

Rudra-saṁhitā, Satīkhaṇḍa 4—Kāma Marries Rati

Rudra-saṁhitā, Satīkhaṇḍa 4—Kāma Marries Rati
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