Rudra-saṁhitā, Satīkhaṇḍa 13—Dakṣa Curses Nārada

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Nārada said, “O Brahmā of great intelligence, O eloquent one, please tell us what happened after Dakṣa went home with great delight.”
Brahmā said, “Dakṣa Prajāpati returned with pleasure to his hermitage and began mental creations at my bidding. On seeing the creation not increasing in size, Dakṣa Prajāpati informed me, his father Brahmā.”
Dakṣa said, “O Brahmā, lord of subjects, these subjects are not flourishing. They are conceived by me but they remain stationary. O lord of subjects, what shall I do? How can they flourish themselves? Please instruct me in the means thereof. I shall certainly create subjects.”
Brahmā said, “O Dakṣa Prajāpati, listen to my weighty words and carry out the direction. Śiva will bless you with welfare. O lord of subjects, let Asiknī, the beautiful daughter of Pañcajana, the lord of five tribes, be taken by you as your consort. Indulging in sexual intercourse you can create subjects many in number in a beautiful woman like her.” Then, in order to procreate subjects by way of coitus, he married the daughter of Vīraṇa at my bidding.

Rudra-saṁhitā, Satīkhaṇḍa 13—Dakṣa Curses Nārada

Rudra-saṁhitā, Satīkhaṇḍa 13—Dakṣa Curses Nārada
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