Māṇḍūkya Upaṇiṣad Kārikā 4.1—Quenching the Fire (Āśleṣa or Asparśa-yoga)

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"I bow to that best among men who by means of jñāna (realized knowledge), which is like ākāśa and nondifferent from the object of knowledge—Brahman—realised the nature of the Dharmas (the jīvas) which are also like ākāśa." — Māṇḍūkya Upaṇiṣad Kārikā 4.1

Māṇḍūkya Upaṇiṣad Kārikā 4.1—Quenching the Fire (Āśleṣa or Asparśa-yoga)

Māṇḍūkya Upaṇiṣad Kārikā 4.1—Quenching the Fire (Āśleṣa or Asparśa-yoga)
Release Date
