Defender Of The Quran And Not A Muslim Yet - Why Does Gina Want To Convert To Islam? (USA)

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Episode 9:
Convert to Islam:
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Host: Adee Simon Macdowell.
Guest: Gina.

Gina shares the truth about Islam and the reason why the Quran is misunderstood.
She explains why you should never believe what you hear on the media and news.
This is an amazing story told by a woman who is not yet officially Muslim.
Gina is 59 years old and lives in rural USA Mid West (2020).
She says that growing up here, there are no other choices in religion, we are just born Christian with no choice.
Gina became disillusioned with the Christian faith when it started being used as a tool for hate around 2016, stirring up hatred against Muslims and Islam.
With the rising of Donald Trump she looked at all faiths but decided Islam was the truth.
She got some leaflets from Islamic outreach workers at a festival.
Gina started reading these leaflets about Islam and it was logical and made sense to her.
Then she started reading the Quran and realised that the Quran was misunderstood by her people due to Islamophobia and that people were saying disparaging things about it.
Gina was also amazed about the big bang theory in the Quran, and that the virgin birth and Jesus are also mentioned there.
After this she started giving out copies of the Quran and giving talks on what Islam the Quran really are.
She started visiting Muslims and was amazed by the people and the way they treated her and the way they acted.
They had kindness and sense of community, the way they took care of each other and the joy that they have and their happiness.
She said that they were the kindest people she has ever met.
Gina is waiting for her husband to agree to convert before she makes an official conversion with him.
She believes he will make the decision to convert in good time.

About the Becoming Muslim Podcast
Do you have questions about Islam? Are you looking for a new direction in life?
The Becoming Muslim podcast at is made for those who are in the midst of researching Islam. It also suits newly converted Muslims.
Our podcast offers a wide variety of audible resources. From captivating stories of converts to discussions on day to day Islamic practices, Unto Islam allows for each individual to cater to their spiritual needs.

Find out:
(1) How to convert to Islam
(2) What it means to be Muslim
(3) Why Islam has helped others

As Muslims do not engage in missionary work, our site is only here to help those who want to know more about our faith and creed.

Defender Of The Quran And Not A Muslim Yet - Why Does Gina Want To Convert To Islam? (USA)

Defender Of The Quran And Not A Muslim Yet - Why Does Gina Want To Convert To Islam? (USA)
Release Date
