Go Luck Yourself with Andy Nairn

Release Date:

At the end of every episode of How I Built It, host Guy Raz asks extremely successful founders whether hard work and smarts played as much of a role as luck. Andy Nairn is the founder of Lucky Generals. He's been paying attention to the role that luck plays in life and brand success, since before stumbling on that name almost ten years ago. Now he's written a book, Go Luck Yourself, to put the stories in context and explaining how to recognize and take advantage when luck smiles on your business and brand. 
Proceeds from the book are going to support Commercial Break, which creates job opportunities in the creative industries for young, working class talent: https://www.amazon.com/Go-Luck-Yourself-brands-favour/dp/0857198882
Find Andy Nairn on Twitter: https://twitter.com/andynairn?lang=en
Andy's shop, Lucky Generals: https://www.luckygenerals.com/
The Strategy Inside Everything is the podcast for people who think  for a living. If you have an idea, a question or you want to push back  on something you hear in this episode, go to https://thatsnotaninsight.com and leave a message or a voicemail for me. The best and most  interesting messages will be added to future episodes, and I can't wait  to hear from you. Music for The Strategy Inside Everything is by  Sawsquarenoise.
Host Adam Pierno is an author, speaker and strategy consultant. Learn more at adampierno.com.

Go Luck Yourself with Andy Nairn

Go Luck Yourself with Andy Nairn
Release Date
