Colin Mitchell on the Virtues of understanding your audience

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Colin Mitchell has come from a traditional planning background at BMP and other shops famous for planning and creative, along with a stop at McDonald's before his current role at Virtue, the agency powered by Vice. Adam and Colin discuss how that planning education from the pre-digital era has informed the powerful work they're doing now to tap into culture and sub-culture trends.
You can learn more about Virtue here: 
The Strategy Inside Everything is the podcast for people who think  for a   living. If you have an idea, a question or you want to push back  on   something you hear in this episode, go to and leave a message or a voicemail for me. The best and most    interesting messages will be added to future episodes. And I can't  wait   to hear from you. Music for The Strategy Inside Everything is by    Sawsquarenoise. Host Adam Pierno is an author, speaker and strategy  consultant. Learn more at

Colin Mitchell on the Virtues of understanding your audience

Colin Mitchell on the Virtues of understanding your audience
Release Date
