Shamelss Sisters 好意思姐妹- 居家办公的好处是不用面对奇葩同事+新美剧推荐Dopesick


这周疫情形势变得严峻,不管你在哪里都希望你保护好自己!如果你居家隔离或者居家办公有点焦虑或者无聊的话,来听今天我们的吐槽!以及我们推荐的新美剧,Dopesick,巨好看,真的,巨,好,看!We are back with a vengeance! A few months into 2022 and A LOT has happened in the world and in the workplace. Today Bei Bei and Jenny are letting off some steam and having a 'little' rant about things that our wonderful co-workers do to annoy us. Bei Bei's got poisonous flowers in her office and Jenny has an 18 year old micro-managing her. To destress you from work we obviously also have a great TV show recommendation: Dopesick!Enjoy this episode about bad co-workers and evil marketing! Don't forget to leave a comment and join in on the chat!

Shamelss Sisters 好意思姐妹- 居家办公的好处是不用面对奇葩同事+新美剧推荐Dopesick

Shamelss Sisters 好意思姐妹- 居家办公的好处是不用面对奇葩同事+新美剧推荐Dopesick
