Shameless Sisters 好意思姐妹 | 2021年你要立什么flag呢


大家新年好!好意思姐妹陪你一起进入2021年咯!不知道这几天你有没有给自己立flag,下了什么决心呢?有没有去健身房锻炼呢?或者开始读书了?总之不管你的新年愿望是什么,给自己定一个小目标比较好哦,因为我们不希望你2022年还在重复2021年的目标!贝贝和Jenny很高兴可以陪你们走进第三年的好意思姐妹,所以我们今天也要送礼物给你们,请在评论里告诉我们2020年你最喜欢或印象最深刻的一集节目是什么,我们会给你送一个新年礼物哦!2021年也请大家多多关照了!HAPPY NEW YEAR FRIENDS! New year new you? No way! That's too much to ask for. This year we're not making the same old new year's resolutions that we never follow, we're going to make some small achievable goals and celebrate when we get there! Also in China, the New Year 元旦 yuan dan is not the biggest celebration of the year, Chinese New Year or 春节 Spring Festival is! But in the recent years, the Western new year has gotten more and more popular too. We are also reviewing our top shows and top songs of 2020 and want to hear what your favourite episode of Shameless Sister was from last year! Leave a comment down below and we will choose two lucky listeners to win prizes! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   你也可以在各个社交媒体上找我们玩哦~Find us here:    邮箱 来这里找Jenny玩:   Instagram: @jennyjzhou 微博: @弄堂里的Jenny Vlog视频:   B站:   来这里找贝贝玩:   Instagram: @irisuperwoman   微博: @贝贝iRIs 

Shameless Sisters 好意思姐妹 | 2021年你要立什么flag呢

Shameless Sisters 好意思姐妹 | 2021年你要立什么flag呢
