Shameless Sisters 好意思姐妹 | 水果姐Katy Perry生了宝宝你知道叫什么名字吗


本周首先要恭喜水果姐Katy Perry顺利诞下她的第一个宝宝,这个宝宝的名字也非常的可爱,你能猜一下吗叫什么吗?这张照片藏着的线索非常明显哦!宝宝的名字就叫做... Daisy Dove Bloom! 水果姐还有另外一个宝宝,她的新专辑,叫《Smile》, 你听过了吗?哪几首歌你喜欢呢?今天要说的另一位出了新歌的女歌手,就是Miley Cyrus,而她说这首歌写的是她和前夫,“锤弟” Liam Hemsworth的关系,整首歌就makes sense了~而且她和Cody Simpson也是在前阵子分手了,俩人也是分分合合很多次了,难道Miley注定就不应该和前任复合?还有一条八卦,就是Brad Pitt在和Angelina Jolie离婚之后,终于最近交往了一个女朋友,但这个关系有点乱了,这个女朋友不仅外表长得很像Angelina,更让人大跌眼镜的是居然她还有丈夫,还没有离婚?!It is time to CATCH UP on all the celebrity news and gossip! Katy Perry has had two in human form and one in ALBUM form! Can you guess what the baby's names are? Miley Cyrus has lost a boyfriend but has a fantastic new song 'Midnight Sky' and Brad Pitt has a new girlfriend who is also someone else's wife!? Speaking of complicated relationships, Jenny's TV show recommendation this week is Netflix's 'Indian Matchmaking', where Aunty Sima travels all over the world to find you 'the one'. BUT 'if the stars are not aligned' I guess you'll be alone forever hehe. Let us know what you've been listening and watching to and make sure to subscribe and like for new episodes every week!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------你也可以在各个社交媒体上找我们玩哦~Find us here: 邮箱:shamelesssisters@163.com来这里找Jenny玩:Instagram: @jennyjzhou微博: @弄堂里的JennyVlog视频:站:来这里找贝贝玩:Instagram: @irisuperwoman微博: @贝贝iRIs

Shameless Sisters 好意思姐妹 | 水果姐Katy Perry生了宝宝你知道叫什么名字吗

Shameless Sisters 好意思姐妹 | 水果姐Katy Perry生了宝宝你知道叫什么名字吗
