Shameless Sisters 好意思姐妹 |海王的英文是softboy?同事谈恋爱你乱出什么主意


不知道你是不是和好意思姐妹一样,常常会碰到来咨询你感情问题的同事,或朋友?但你有没有在真心诚意苦口婆心劝导一番之后发现,对方却在微信屏蔽了你?你开始怀疑自己是不是终究一片真心错付了?与此同时在好莱坞,Kim Kardashian和Kanye West即使离婚了,也依旧成双入对地被狗仔拍到,甚至Kim重新穿上了婚纱,出现在了Kanye新专辑的发布会现场...意难忘?This week Love Doctor Jenny is back, but not for the romantic relationship kind...we are fixing Bei Bei's friendship problem! We all have that friend who only comes to you when they're single, for free therapy and when they're in a relationship, as Blair Waldorf once said 'the girlfriend becomes the best friend and the best friend becomes the friend...'. Bei Bei also learns the term 'softboi' or 'ocean king' and discovers she has a few of those in her life as well.Over in Hollywood, Kim K has showed up to ex-hubby Kanye West's 'DONDA' event in a WEDDING DRESS. Now, we don't know if this was her idea, or Kanye's but damn what would you do if an ex asked for a favour?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  你也可以在各个社交媒体上找我们玩哦~Find us here:   邮箱 来这里找Jenny玩:  Instagram: @jennyjzhou 微博: @弄堂里的Jenny Vlog视频:  B站:  来这里找贝贝玩:  Instagram: @irisuperwoman  微博: @贝贝iRIs

Shameless Sisters 好意思姐妹 |海王的英文是softboy?同事谈恋爱你乱出什么主意

Shameless Sisters 好意思姐妹 |海王的英文是softboy?同事谈恋爱你乱出什么主意
