The Girl Who Believes in Miracles

Director: Rich Correll
Release Date:

When Sara hears a preacher say faith can move mountains, she starts praying. Suddenly people in her town are mysteriously healed! But fame soon takes its toll – can Sara’s family save her before it’s too late?

3.8 (13 customer reviews)

Sad but good love Christian movies

I cried and my mom did its a good movie but sad if you wanna cry then watch it lol

Great Movie For The Whole Family!

What a feel-good movie about Sara Hopkins who has the power to heal someone by praying to God (aka Jesus). My favorite part was when Sara woke up in her parent’s room and everybody was very happy to see her and I was very happy to her awaken in her bed. I love ❤️ happy endings, don’t you?

A great movie about faith

Ignore the negative leftist atheist comments - this is a great movie about faith and finding your own strength to believe in what is right.

Clean and family friendly

If you watch this movie purely for entertainment then you will enjoy it.

So do you consider a vaccine to be a miracle?

I’ll bet she couldn’t move that mountain either.

The Girl Who Believes in Miracles
Rich Correll
Release Date
Sales Price
12.99 => 1.99 USD
Rental Price
4.99 => 0.99 USD