My Soul to Take

Director: Wes Craven
Release Date:

On the day the Riverton Ripper vanished without a trace, seven children were born. Today, they’re all turning 16... and turning up dead. Legendary director Wes Craven (A Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream) keeps your heart racing with a suspense-thriller filled with twists, turns and a dark secret that will send your soul searching for cover.

2.9 (50 customer reviews)

A Misunderstood film

This film is one of those movies that a second viewing is a good idea, because there is a lot you’ll miss if your a self professed Horror fan who probably on your iPhone the whole time you’re watching this film. The opening kills and origin are great, although I admit the later kills are disappointing. I like the whole souls plot, with Bug becoming the vessel for the souls of the Riverton Seven as each one dies, he gains their soul and knowledge and abilities. The ending also needed punch, but overall it’s a great plot that get overlooked by wannabe horror reviewers, who don’t actually pay attention to the film.


So the movie was.... AMAZING!!! Great story line that happens to make a bunch of sense. I reccomend this movie to any one who likes suspense. So awesome

What a waste!

This movie was horrible. The acting was terrible and I don't even know why it's considered a horror film because it's not scary at all. It's the typical "walking in the woods alone and getting killed" film. Too cliche. DO NOT waste your money.


i really liked the plot, but it was portrayed in a very idiotic way. i found it rather funny than scary. for example (SPOILER ALERT), when the reaper is running to kill someone he screams "I AM THE REAPER". who can take that serious?! negative 0 out of 10.

Love youuuu :)

I toads loved this movie. It was so good. I don't know why people didn't like it. #weird. But beeteedubbsss I love Max Theriot. :)

My Soul to Take
Wes Craven
Release Date
Sales Price
14.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD