The Hills Have Eyes 2

Director: Martin Weisz
Release Date:

What started with the Carter family, clearly didn’t end with the Carter family. The Yuma Flats Training and Testing Facility in New Mexico is sixteen hundred square miles of forbidding desert and mountains used by the U.S. military to test everything from weapons to men. It’s there that National Guard soldiers barely halfway through their basic training, are given a routine mission that will change their lives forever. After spotting what seems to be a distress signal flashing from the mountain that looms above them, their sergeant decides to take them all on a search and rescue mission. Now, the National Gaurd soldiers must face a fierce battle against the cannibalistic mutants that hide in the deserted hills of New Mexico.

3 (26 customer reviews)


This movie was akward. And i dont aprove of canibilism what so ever:) but it was scary and it needs a new cover casue it is scary

Are You Kidding Me???

What is there to like about this movie. Sure, all you idiots who think that so long as a film has blood, guts, and brains, that it's going to be the "best movie ever." But some of us actually have taste, and The Hills Have Eyes 2 adds nothing to the horror genre, does nothing to prove itself worthy amongst other horror films, or anything at all worth of merit. All right. Films back in the day could be bloody and gorey, but that was a different time. Now that we get Hostel films and Saws, I'm looking for a film that has a good plot, good acting, good writing and directing, and is an overall enjoyable film. This second installment is lackluster terror, with wild cliches, and just plain idiocy in the script. All in all, there's nothing here worth the money to watch it. Nothing special or enjoyable. Do NOT buy/rent this film.


I saw this movie with my friends and we thought it was a riot. The movie is so cheesy and unrealalistic you cant help but laugh as deformed mutants and humans randomly try to kill each other. This movie was pretty lame overall, not worth paying for...

Good But Not As Good As The First!

It wasn 't bad but the first was so much better


this movie i gotta say made me scream. the name alone was enough to make me scared. good movie!

The Hills Have Eyes 2
Martin Weisz
Release Date
Sales Price
14.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD