Problem Child

Director: Dennis Dugan

John Ritter, Amy Yasbeck and Jack Warden star in this hilarious comedy with an offbeat sense of humor. Good-natured Ben Healy (Ritter) and his social-climbing wife Flo (Yasbeck) adopt seven-year-old Junior (Michael Oliver) to help brighten their lives. But Junior soon turns an ordinary camping trip, an innocent birthday party and even a little league baseball game into full-scale comic nightmares. Thinking all his new son needs is some loving attention, Ben puts up with Junior's mishaps – but only to a point. Just as he's ready to take drastic action, Ben realizes that beneath the little monster lurks an angel craving affection in this satire on the trials of modern-day family life.

4.4 (7 customer reviews)

A Family Drama?

Some Huey around here thinks: Problem Child is a Drama. Try saying that with a straight face. Good going iTunes. Also, today’s PC culture would probably find this to be one of the most offensive films ever made. So... 5 stars?

RIP John Ritter

Loved this movie as kid and still think about this actor 20 years after his death. RIP


If you have any 1st or 2nd graders they will ask to watch this film on repeat for at least 2 months. It’s hilarious!

Love this movie!

Junior throws the best party and lights the best candles! Funny now as it was when I was a boy watching it for the first time!

Classic comedy!

One of my favorite comedies from when I was a kid.

Problem Child
Dennis Dugan
14.99 USD
3.99 USD