Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song-


The original Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- included many of the SaGa series trademark elements, such as the Glimmer and Combo mechanics and was considered to be the epitome of the series when it first released. The free scenario system that lets you create your own storyline remains at the core of the game, letting you select one of eight protagonists with completely different origins and backstories, then set off on a unique journey. This remastered edition has evolved in all areas, featuring upgraded HD graphics and numerous enhancements to improve playability. This makes it highly recommended for both fans of the original and newcomers to the SaGa series. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ■Story The gods created man and man created stories. The primordial creator Marda brought forth the land of Mardias. In ages past a mighty battle rocked this land, when Elore, the king of the gods, fought three malicious deities: Death, Saruin and Schirach. Af

Preços de venda: 129.9 => 99.9 BRL

Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War II

Feral Interactive Ltd

Antes de comprar, expanda esta descrição para garantir que seu sistema corresponde ou excede todos os requisitos de sistema listados abaixo. O universo de ficção científica sinistro de Warhammer 40,000 ganha vida com Dawn of War II para Mac. Estamos no 41ª milênio no Subsetor Aurelia, um aglomerado de mundos à beira da Via Láctea, onde uma batalha de proporções épicas está prestes a começar. Como um recém-promovido Comandante da Força dos Blood Ravens, cabe a você liderar os esquadrões de Space Marines para a batalha contra as forças dos Orks, Tyranids e Eldars que ameaçam o Império da Humanidade. Com uma campanha narrativa inovadora com a história de Warhammer 40,000, exércitos de guerreiros brutos tecnologicamente avançados fazem uma guerra impiedosa contra inimigos sem remorso em uma série de missões de combates viscerais acelerados e empolgantes. Informações importantes sobre Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Este jogo é suportado nos seguintes Macs. Para verificar o seu model

Preços de venda: 109.9 => 99.9 BRL

Baldur's Gate

Overhaul Games

Após ser forçado a abandonar o próprio lar sob circunstâncias misteriosas, você se encontra em meio a um conflito que deixa a Costa da Espada à beira da guerra. Enquanto isso, forças sinistras que estão além da sua compreensão planejam os próximos passos neste embate... Desde seu lançamento original em 1998, Baldur’s Gate consolidou o padrão para os jogos de RPG de Dungeons & Dragons nos computadores. Personalize seu herói, recrute uma equipe de corajosos aliados e explore a Costa da Espada na sua busca por aventura, glória e… a verdade. Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition roda numa versão atualizada e melhorada da Infinity Engine e inclui a aventura original de Baldur’s Gate, a expansão Contos da Costa da Espada e um conteúdo inédito com três novos personagens. Recursos Principais Nova aventura: Os Fossos Negros Novos personagens: O Guarda Negro Dorn Il-Khan, a Maga Selvagem Neera e o Monge Rasaad yn Bashir Um novo conjunto de vozes para os personagens Suporte para exibição de alta res

Preços de venda: 109.9 => 99.9 BRL



------------------------------------------------------ - As this application is very large, it will take some time to download. - This application takes up around 2GB of memory. Over 4GB of free space is required to download it, so make sure that ample spare memory is available before attempting to do so. ------------------------------------------------------ Recommended hardware: iPhone 5s or later, 3rd generation iPad or later, iPad mini 2 or later, iPod touch 6 Supported OS: iOS 8.0 or later *Please be aware that users may experience problems, such as exceptionally slow running speeds, if running this application on devices other than those outlined in the recommended hardware section. Such devices are not suited to playing this game and there is a chance of unforeseen errors occurring if running it on them. Outline The smash hit RPG: Final Fantasy VII, which has sold over 11,000,000 units* worldwide, finally arrives on iOS! *Total includes both packaged sales and downloads.

Preços de venda: 12,900 => 79.9 BRL



Trudograd is a stand-alone story expansion to ATOM RPG - a turn-based roleplaying game set in post-apocalyptic Soviet Union. It is inspired by classic cRPG titles of the past, such as early Fallout, Wasteland and Baldur’s Gate series. 22 years ago the USSR and the Western Bloc destroyed each other in a nuclear inferno. Millions died instantly, society collapsed and technology was sent back into the Middle Ages. You are a member of ATOM – an organization tasked with protecting the post-apocalyptic remnants of humanity. Two years ago you – a rookie agent of ATOM – were sent on a dangerous mission into the Soviet Wastes. As a result, you uncovered certain information about a new threat that can potentially destroy the struggling remnants of humanity. In ATOM RPG: Trudograd your goal is to travel to a giant post-apocalyptic metropolis that withstood the tests of nuclear obliteration and social collapse. There you must find what is thought to be humanity’s last hope in fending off the m

Preços de venda: 79.9 => 69.9 BRL

The Longing

Application Systems Heidelberg Software GmbH

Uma mistura incomum de jogo idle com aventura. Em completa solidão nas profundezas da superfície, sua tarefa é aguardar o despertar de seu rei… por 400 dias. Jogue como uma Sombra solitária, o último servo de um rei que outrora governou um reino subterrâneo. Os poderes do rei se enfraqueceram e ele dorme por 400 dias para recuperar sua força. É sua tarefa cuidar de seu palácio terrestre até que ele acorde. Assim que começar, o jogo irá iniciar uma contagem regressiva ininterrupta de 400 dias - mesmo que você pare de jogar e saia do jogo. Cabe a você decidir o que fazer com sua solitária existência sob a terra. Não se preocupe, há tempo de sobra. Escolha seu estilo de jogo Inicie o jogo e volte após 400 dias para ver como ele irá terminar. Você não precisa realmente jogar, se não quiser. A Sombra, porém, ficará ainda mais solitária sem você. Ou então explore as cavernas e colete itens para seu confortável refúgio subterrâneo. Envie a Sombra para uma caminhada - a velocidade do caminhar

Preços de venda: 79.9 => 69.9 BRL

TITANIC - Midnight

Domyung Kim

* This is the only app. It is different from other similar apps. A night when the Titanic sank. Simulate and experience historical tragedy. You can get into the process of the Titanic sinking. Experience the best Titanic simulation. *Learn how to escape from disaster., *Learn historical lessons.

Preços de venda: 54.9 => 49.9 BRL



The Firebringer, a fallen god and bane of humanity, has wrought havoc on the world since his exile. Mankind constructed an Empire with a singular purpose: engage the Firebringer and his fiends in battle to defend humanity. After a millennia of fighting, the Firebringer has finally been defeated, and the Empire is left without purpose, spurring rebellion. • Follow the journey of Urpina, Taria, Balmant, and Leonard as they call on their might and set out to carve a new future. • Travel the world and engage in events in any order, or skip them entirely if you wish; your decisions affect the development of your story. • Take charge and shape your own adventure with ultimate freedom of choice. • Create a team of up to five capable fighters and engage in strategic turn-based combat, selecting from 9 weapon varieties. The composition of your group affects your abilities and impacts your tactics. The choices you make will define your legacy!

Preços de venda: 149.9 => 49.9 BRL

Graveyard Keeper

tinyBuild LLC

Graveyard Keeper é o simulador de gerenciamento de cemitérios medievais mais impreciso do ano: construa e gerencie seu próprio cemitério, busque atalhos para cortar custos, desenvolva tudo quanto é tipo de empreendimentos diversos nele e use todos os recursos que conseguir achar. Este é um jogo sobre o capitalismo selvagem fazendo o que for preciso para montar um negócio próspero. Ah, verdade, também é uma história de amor. - Enfrente dilemas éticos. Quer mesmo gastar dinheiro com esse hambúrguer decente para o festival da pira das bruxas quando há tantos recursos espalhados por aí? - Reúna recursos valiosos e crie novos itens. Transforme seu cemitério num negócio próspero, reúna recursos valiosos espalhados pelas redondezas e explore o que esta terra tem a oferecer. - Missões e cadáveres. Acho que esses defuntos não precisam de todos esses órgãos, não é? Qual o problema de moê-los e vender para o açougueiro local? Claro, também dá para você sair em missões, a escolha é sua. -

Preços de venda: 54.9 => 49.9 BRL

Bed Wars Game

Ahmad Mohammad Al-Anaswah

Welcome To bed wars game.. Travel through unlimited floors of increasingly difficult enemies while collecting vast amounts of unique loot!

Preços de venda: 75 => 39.9 BRL

Minha Vida em Portia


O RPG de sucesso de simulação 3D chegou aos dispositivos móveis! Herde a oficina de seu pai, crie e construa para tentar ser o melhor construtor na cidade! Ao explorar e descobrir relíquias ocultas, restaure a glória da civilização humana nessa terra pós-apocalíptica. Conforme se tornar um construtor experiente, crie laços com os outros personagens para construir um círculo de amizades e romance! *NOVO* 28 conjuntos de novas roupas para personagens e seus NPCs favoritos chegaram! Agora você pode trocar para mais nova coleção da estação, com itens novinhos e exclusivos para mobile. 【A Civilização de Portia inclui:】 - Uma oficina totalmente funcional em 3D Divirta-se construindo e aumentando sua oficina nesse mundo aberto 3D, ao coletar recursos e juntá-los em objetos úteis. Automatize a oficina e amplie sua fazenda e sua cidade. Além disso, aprenda novas habilidades e técnicas que beneficiarão sua cidade. Não se esqueça de desenvolver a pecuária. Depois, o sonho de andar a cavalo (ou

Preços de venda: 44.9 => 39.9 BRL

RPG Justice Chronicles

Kotobuki Solution Co., Ltd.

Ultimate classic RPG where a young knight must fight destiny through the darkness that lurks in history! Kline, a novice High Beast Knight is sent on reconnaissance into Laft, the Earth-Depths, where he comes across Alia, a Battle Maiden who has suffered terrible injuries and is close to death. In order to help her, he forms a partnership with the God of Death, Rooselevy. Alia lives, but in return the young knight must give up his life... In a world on the brink of war, the newly acquainted duo must fight destiny itself in order to save the world from the ever creeping darkness that is threatening to consume everything, and once and for all restore the balance of the world. FEATURES - 40+ hours of gameplay - Beautiful SNES-like 8bit dot artworks and animated turn-based battles - Innovative Command Palette battle system designed for touch screen interfaces - Contract Guardian Beasts and High Beasts to take advantages in battles - Partona (bonds) system between allies, Guardian Beasts

Preços de venda: 44.9 => 39.9 BRL

Angel Sword: 3D RPG

DVide Arts Inc.

Prepare-se para a aventura mais épica e de maior escala em um game RPG em 3D para dispositivos móveis! Curta os gráficos incríveis e cheios de detalhes em full HD. A batalha dos imortais começou. Escolha de que lado ficará. DESCRIÇÃO: * Junte-se com um amigo e tenha a experiência de completar juntos. Lutando juntos enquanto resolvem ou em torneios entre jogadores até a morte! * Mapa 100% livre. Liberdade de exploração. Vá a qualquer lugar, a qualquer momento. Movimentos completos em 3D, incluindo natação e luta em 360 graus. Lute em terra ou batalhe no ar. * Customização completa do seu personagem com detalhes únicos! * Conquiste mascotes para lutar ao seu lado nas batalhas * Uma variedade de armas, armaduras e itens para escolher * Missões livres/secundárias detalhadas e chefes desafiadores para derrotar * Sistema avançado de combate apresentando combos mortais corpo-a-corpo, armas múltiplas de alcance e ataques poderosos com magia * Dia e noite realista. Verdadeiro ciclo de dia e no

Preços de venda: 5,900 => 39.9 BRL

Oceanhorn ™

FDG Mobile Games

VENHA VELEJAR E EMBARQUE NUMA JORNADA ÉPICA Comece como um garoto e se transforme numa lenda Ao acordar, você encontra uma carta do seu pai e descobre que ele foi embora… A única pista é o seu velho diário e um colar misterioso. O que terá acontecido? Aventure-se nas ilhas dos mares inexplorados, um mundo repleto de perigos, charadas e segredos. Lute contra monstros, aprenda a usar a magia e descubra tesouros antigos que te ajudarão na missão. Use sua astúcia e habilidade para desvendar os mistérios envolvendo o antigo reino de Arcádia e o monstro marítimo Oceanhorn. Oceanhorn combina uma história cativante, visuais 3D de tirar o fôlego e uma jogabilidade empolgante. Tudo isso fará dessa aventura e ação massiva uma experiência inesquecível. Divirta-se com uma trilha sonora incrível feita pelos melhores compositores de vídeo game do mundo: Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy*) and Kenji Ito (Seiken Densetsu*) Domine o jogo sem esforço graças ao sistema de toque preciso ou controle do iO

Preços de venda: 44.9 => 39.9 BRL

Trials of Mana


“Trials of Mana,” the hit console game with over 1 million copies and downloads sold coming to a smartphone near you! Fun for longtime fans of the Mana Series and new players alike! ◆Story When the world was shrouded in darkness, the Goddess of Mana drew forth the Sword of Mana to smite the eight Benevodons, monsters of destruction. She sealed the horrors inside the eight Mana Stones, bringing the realm back from the brink. Weak from rebuilding the world, the Goddess changed into a tree and fell fast asleep for years. However, the forces of evil sought to free the Benevodons to gain control of the world. They started a terrible war to further their plot and destabilize the kingdoms. Peace was at an end. Mana itself began to disappear from the world and the Mana Tree to wither... ◆Playable Characters Players start their adventure by selecting three of the six main characters. The overlapping story of interwoven destinies changes depending on who you choose as your ma

Preços de venda: 119.9 => 29.99 BRL

Red Impostor

mohammad fityan

Welcome To Red Impostor Game Trace your way to the end of the level and push the enemies with your stick on the way! Move your character and make all the ennemies fall down

Preços de venda: 34.9 => 29.9 BRL

Hannah's Cheerleaders No Ads


New levels and dance games! Football match is tonight - cheer for your team and help them win! Prepare a cheerleader routine and show off your dance skills with Hannah’s cheerleaders squad! NEW! Hannah and her best friend Jessica are joining the college cheerleader team at a football match! Cheer up Hannah’s crush Jack and the team. Choreograph super cool dance routines and stunts! Create cheers and chants! Football is an intense game. Hannah and the cheerleader girls should always be ready to support the team and face unexpected, awkward and funny situations! High school sweethearts Hannah and Jack are in college now! New place, new challenges! Help Hannah change her style from a cute high school girl to the coolest college cheerleader. See where Hannah and her high school crush Jack’s love story takes them next! Hannah became a cheerleader and Jack joined the football team! What a perfect couple, right? Dress up Hannah in cute cheerleader clothes. Create pom-poms with a custom des

Preços de venda: 34.9 => 29.9 BRL

Mecha Ace

Choice of Games LLC

Step into the cockpit of a giant robot in an interstellar civil war! Customize your mecha to duel against enemy pilots with "monosaber" plasma swords. Find glory, disgrace, and even love. "Mecha Ace" is a thrilling interactive sci-fi novel by Paul Wang, where your choices control the story. The game is entirely text-based--without graphics or sound effects--and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination. Who will you be, pilot? Hero, villain, or renegade? Will you lead a unit of elite pilots to victory? Defeat your enemies with skill, cunning, determination, or heavy firepower? Fight for glory, for power, or for an enduring peace?

Preços de venda: 55 => 29.9 BRL

Dicey Dungeons

Distractionware Limited

Transforme-se em um dado vivo gigante e combata até o fim de uma masmorra que se altera constantemente! Você consegue fugir dos caprichos cruéis da Senhora Sorte? Neste novo jogo rápido de exploração de masmorra e construção de baralho de Terry Cavanagh (Super Hexagon, VVVVVV), Chipzel e Marlowe Dobbe, você vai enfrentar monstros, encontrar melhores itens e aprimorar seus personagens enquanto se ajudam para derrotar a Deusa do Destino, a própria Senhora Sorte. Equilibre suas estratégias cuidadosamente planejadas contra o desconhecido que é rolar um dado. Jogue como seis personagens diferentes, cada um com estilos de interação e habilidades únicas. - O Ladrão, que rouba equipamentos aleatórios dos inimigos a cada rodada! - O Robô, que ganha dados jogando um jogo de vinte um que força a sorte! - A Inventora, cheia de inspiração, que deve destruir seus próprios equipamentos depois de cada combate para obter peças para seus poderosos novos dispositivos! - e muito mais! Domine c

Preços de venda: 27.9 => 24.9 BRL

Alien Shooter 2 - Reloaded

Sigma Team

Alien Shooter 2 (Alien Shooter - Vengeance) is a large-scale sequel to the first part of Alien Shooter. This is the unique alloy of arcade action and RPG elements which combines well-established world of classical games and unmatched dynamics of the first part. The ENHANCED version of the legendary top-down PC Alien Shooter 2 game is now available on your iOS device! Deserted military complex. Hordes of merciless creatures. You. Your mission is simple – clear the base and stop the alien invasion. --------------------------------------------------- ALIEN SHOOTER 2 – HIGHLIGHTS --------------------------------------------------- - No in-game purchases and persuasive ads! - Hours of gameplay with and engaging story mode and tons of side missions - Character upgrade facility, try out superhuman fighting abilities in intense battles - Tons of weapons of mass destruction - Useful gadgets - flashlights, medkits, battle drones... - User friendly control schemes with auto-aim option availa

Preços de venda: 27.9 => 24.9 BRL

Ara Fell: Enhanced Edition


Ara Fell: Enhanced Edition – RPG da era 16-bit, estilo japonês, da Stegosoft Games. A nova Enhanced Edition apresenta atualizações como o sistema de batalhas, novas classes e habilidades de personagens, novas missões secundárias, interface revisada, novo sistema de produção e de encantamento, proporções de tela aprimoradas, novos modos de dificuldade, salvamento automático e mais! Ara Fell: Enhanced Edition combina as melhores partes dos RPGs de estilo japonês com as dos RPGs ocidentais, incluindo elementos de romances visuais e jogos de aventura para criar uma experiência exclusiva. Clima, emoção e surpresa são a linha de frente da história de Ara Fell, com personagens profundos e acessíveis, cada qual com um passado, desejos e motivações que os levam a se juntar à missão da protagonista. Junte-se à Lita e reviva a era de ouro dos RPGs com um jogo que homenageia os grandes nomes do passado e abre seu próprio caminho.

Preços de venda: 27.9 => 24.9 BRL

Shadow Fight 2 Special Edition

Nekki Limited

** Sem anúncios! ** ** Sem esperar a energia se recuperar. ** ** Revele a verdade por trás do passado do Sensei em um capítulo totalmente novo da história! ** A melhor série de luta para dispositivos móveis voltou e está ainda mais ESPECIAL: Shadow Fight 2 Special Edition! Agora chegou sua vez de conhecer o Titã em pessoa e acabar com o terror que ele anda criando. Atravesse os Portões das Sombras e entre num perigoso mundo repleto de lutas inesquecíveis e heróis corajosos. Essas terras anseiam o surgimento de um aventureiro que não tenha medo de se arriscar e salvar a todos da opressão de um invasor sinistro, de outra dimensão! Descubra a emocionante mistura de dois dos gêneros mais populares do mundo, Combate e RPG. Reúna um mega-arsenal de armas letais; combine seus equipamentos e aprimore várias habilidades e golpes! - Sem anúncios! - Sem esperar a energia se recuperar. Você encara suas lutas em qualquer lugar, a qualquer momento! - Revele a verdade por trás do passado do

Preços de venda: 27.9 => 24.9 BRL


Creative Mobile

Temos uma oferta por tempo limitado! Desconto de 40% no jogo original e de 33% na história extra, “Sono da Felicidade”! Seja bem-vindo ao futuro sombrio e distópico. O Estado é autoritário e controla todos os aspectos da vida pública e privada. As leis são opressivas. A vigilância é total. Não existe privacidade. Você é foi nomeado pelo Estado como administrador de um edifício residencial. Sua rotina diária envolve fazer do edifício um lugar agradável para os inquilinos, que vem e vão. Entretanto, essa simples fachada esconde sua verdadeira missão... O Estado nomeou você para ESPIONAR SEUS INQUILINOS! Sua tarefa primária é observar sorrateiramente seus inquilinos e escutar suas conversas. Você deve IMPLANTAR ESCUTAS nos apartamentos deles quando eles não estiverem em casa, VASCULHAR seus pertences por quaisquer coisas que possam ameaçar as autoridades do Estado, e TRAÇAR O PERFIL deles para seus superiores. Você também deve DENUNCIAR qualquer pessoa capaz de violar as leis ou rea

Preços de venda: 27.9 => 24.9 BRL

Jade Empire™: Special Edition

Aspyr Media, Inc.

Jade Empire: Special Edition is an award-winning action RPG from the makers of Dragon Age and Mass Effect. Experience a unique combination of fast paced martial arts action with a gripping, character driven story set in a mythical land. Each decision builds your reputation, changing the course of interactions with other characters and followers. Take the role of a master of martial arts, and recruit followers to your cause in an interactive, living world. Embark on an epic journey with fascinating characters across a graphically beautiful, fantastic new world inspired by the myths and legends of ancient China. Sinister events upset the peaceful harmony of an isolated martial arts school, drawing you into a story that unfolds with drama, action, and adventure. Detailed followers and other non-player characters enrich the adventure by providing comic relief, rivalries, flirtations, and hostility. Stare in awe at the sweeping views of the lush environments, sheer vertical drops, and

Preços de venda: 54.9 => 24.9 BRL

Sweet Baby Girl Summer 2 FULL


The best game for girls this summer now with new super cool activities: boat party, ice slush and dolphin rescue! Join the Sweet Baby Girl Summer Fun club and play the best summer holiday games for kids and toddlers! Spend your summer at the beach near the ocean with Sweet Baby Girl and her friends in a paradise seaside resort. From animal care and ocean clean up to delicious snacks and beauty makeover, these girls have many plans for summer. Have fun exploring 12 amazing activities and play the games that you love! Sweet Baby Girl Summer Fun 2 games for girls: · Girls always take their pet pony on holidays! Take care of this cute little horse: clean up the mess, dirt and spider webs in the stable, shower the pony and make a beautiful hairstyle! · Oh no! Little dolphin is in danger, help him! Rescue the pink dolphin from trash in the ocean, wash it with a sponge and make this precious ocean animal happy again! · Refresh with the best frozen fruit ice slush! Slice, chop and blend fres

Preços de venda: 27.9 => 24.9 BRL

Star Wars®: Knights of the Old Republic™ II

Aspyr Media, Inc.

It is not the destination that matters. It is the journey. Five years after the events from the award winning Star Wars® Knights of the Old Republic™, the Sith Lords have hunted the Jedi to the edge of extinction and are on the verge of crushing the Old Republic. With the Jedi Order in ruin, the Republic’s only hope is a lone Jedi struggling to reconnect with the Force. As this Jedi, you will be faced with the galaxy’s most dire decision: Follow the light side or succumb to the dark… • Additional information about Star Wars®: Knights of the Old Republic™ II • If you encounter problems playing the game, please visit Our Customer Support team is happy and eager to help. Your feedback helps us make better games. In order to run the game with satisfactory performance, your Mac must meet these minimum system requirements: 2.2 GHz CPU Speed | 4 GB RAM | 10 GB free disk space | (ATI): Radeon HD 3870 | (NVidia): GeForce 330M | (Intel): HD 3000 | 256 MB VRam Gamepad

Preços de venda: 54.9 => 24.9 BRL


Supergiant Games, LLC

Transistor requer no mínimo um iPhone 5, iPad 4 ou iPad Mini 2. DOS CRIADORES DE BASTION: Conheça a ação inigualável deste RPG de ficção científica! Lute em uma impressionante cidade futurística, empunhando uma arma extraordinária de origem desconhecida. CRIADO PARA TOQUE: O Transistor para iOS traz a apresentação vibrante e o combate profundo pelos quais o Transistor é famoso, com uma nova e intuitiva interface de toque e outros aprimoramentos. É A SUA VEZ: O Transistor integra perfeitamente o planejamento estratégico inteligentemente pensado em uma experiência de ação rápida, unindo jogabilidade rápida a uma rica atmosfera narrativa. LUTE DO SEU JEITO: Configure o poderoso Transistor com milhares de combinações possíveis de Funções para vencer qualquer obstáculo. Novos controles de toque e uma configuração para Controles Clássicos com suporte para gamepad. DESVENDE A HISTÓRIA: Reúna os mistérios do Transistor em sua busca pelos seus antigos donos, através de uma história intensa

Preços de venda: 27.9 => 24.9 BRL

Battleheart Legacy

Mika Mobile, Inc.

O espírito do Battleheart voltou reimaginado! Em Battleheart Legacy, você irá explorar um mundo de fantasia rico e detalhado, personalizar seu herói exclusivo com dezenas de habilidades poderosas e itens, lutar contra uma multidão de inimigos, encontrar personagens peculiares e descobrir as histórias de um reino conturbado. Você irá se tornar um mago poderoso ou um grande trapaceiro? Um nobre cavaleiro ou um bárbaro selvagem? Como você irá forjar o seu legado? ••• Destaques ••• • Um sistema de combate em tempo real refinado, baseado no premiado "Battleheart". Mova seu personagem ou ataque seus inimigos através de toques simples, e desencadeie poderosos movimentos especiais no momento certo para mudar o rumo da batalha! • Animação sem igual e efeitos visuais fazem de cada batalha um espetáculo visual! • Mais de 150 habilidades exclusivas impressionantes em 12 categorias para personalizar seu personagem. Envenene seus inimigos, esmague-os com armas grandes para uso com as duas mãos,

Preços de venda: 27.9 => 24.9 BRL

Surgeon Simulator

Bossa Studios Ltd

Você é o cirurgião. O Bob é a vítima. Dê o pior de si! Mais difícil que cirurgia de verdade! Acha que está à altura do desafio? Trate com suas mãos trêmulas o paciente mais azarado do mundo: o Bob, que precisa de cuidados urgentes. Assuma o papel do aspirante a cirurgião Nigel Burke e realize as operações mais loucas para tentar salvar a vida do paciente, ou falhe miseravelmente, enquanto o pobre Bob.... Bem... morre. Junte-se ao time de mais de três milhões de jogadores que executaram o Bob para o divertimento das 250 milhões de pessoas que assistiram às cirurgias malsucedidas no YouTube, agora no conforto do seu incrível iPhone / iPad, a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar. Não há hospitais divertidos como este. - Mais de 3 milhões de unidades vendidas em todo o mundo! O aplicativo pago nº 1 nas listas da App Store - março 2017 - Indicado ao BAFTA 2014 - Estratégia e Simulação - Mobile Entertainment Awards 2014: Melhor Design - Indicado ao Develop 2013 Awards: Melhor Nova PI "O

Preços de venda: 27.9 => 24.9 BRL

Out There: Ω Edition

Mi-Clos Studio

5/5 - TouchArcade 5/5 - PocketTactics 9/10 "Prêmio de Ouro" - PocketGamer Grande Prêmio - DevGAMM Moscow 2015 Excelência na Narrativa - DevGAMM 2015 Prêmio de Melhor Projeto de Jogo - Casual Connect EE 2014 Finalista em Excelência na Narrativa - IMGA 2015 Melhores Jogos de iPhone e iPad de 2014 - TouchArcade Melhores Jogos para Celular de 2014 - Game Informer Melhores Jogos para Celular de 2014 - Gamezebo Aviso: Este jogo é difícil! Verifique no fórum as dicas de estratégia: Você é um astronauta que despertou da criogenia, fora do seu sistema solar... em um lugar distante e desconhecido da galáxia. Em Out There, você terá que sobreviver, manter a sua nave em pleno funcionamento, coletar recursos em planetas habitáveis, e ainda, reabastecer seu oxigênio. O espaço é um lugar hostil. Aventuras perigosas e misteriosas irão marcar cada etapa da sua jornada. Você encontrará vida inteligente que irá te ignorar. Você também terá que lidar com forças ancestra

Preços de venda: 27.9 => 24.9 BRL

Runaway 2 - Vol 2

Numeric Pipeline

The adventure continues with Runaway: The Dream Of The Turtle - Part 2. _____________________________________________________________________ Follow Brian and Gina in the second part of the Runaway saga. Spending some holidays in the tropics of Hawaii, our famous couple of lovers is separated over the Tiki falls during a plane ride gone awry. Gina still missing, Brian will have to move heaven and earth to find his disappeared better half. Discover characters, each more atypical than the next, travel all around the world and solve hundreds of puzzles to help our adventurer in his quest. A thrilling adventure packed with humor and twists that you will not forget. FEATURES • An exciting story • Hours of gameplay mixing puzzles and mysteries • A fascinating cartoon universe • Dialogues full of humor and cultural references • Charismatic and appealing characters • An help system for solving puzzles • Subtitles: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian IMPORTANT This

Preços de venda: 27.9 => 24.9 BRL

Runaway: A Road Adventure

Numeric Pipeline

IMPORTANT: Compatible with iPad 2 and up, iPhone 4 and up and iPod touch 5th generation – WILL NOT RUN ON EARLIER DEVICES 21st century New York... Brilliant science student Brian is getting ready to join the prestigious UC Berkeley, but his life is turned upside-down when he gets caught up in some business involving a stolen crucifix and the mafia. Runaway is now available for iOS platforms, so discover or rediscover the beginnings of this cult series and plunge into an adventure with plenty of humor and twists at every turn. Features: • A stunning, exceptional storyline • Overriding fun and eye-catching graphics • Close to 100 scenes to visit • Discover over 30 charismatic characters • Many exciting puzzles • A redesigned interface for iPhones and iPads • Languages included: English, French, German, Spanish and Italian • Many charismatic characters ------------------------------- About Pendulo Studios ------------------------------

Preços de venda: 27.9 => 24.9 BRL

Minecraft: Papercraft Studio

57Digital Ltd

OFFICIAL MINECRAFT APP! Create awesome Minecraft models using just paper and glue! == FEATURES == • The only official Minecraft Papercraft app! • Supports both Steve and Alex character models! • Mobs, Blocks, Items and Characters included at no extra cost! • Import a skin by entering a username • Browse our collection of over 700,000+ community submitted skins • Print 3D blocks (such as grass blocks, diamond blocks, TNT, beds, doors and more!) • Design your own 3D model using the Skin Studio app (sold separately) • Add a CAPE and a stand for your model! • Print Items (such as pickaxes, swords, diamonds + more!) • Air Print compatible, but a wireless printer is NOT required, generate a PIN code to download your Papercraft on your PC/Mac! Or e-mail a copy to yourself. Arts and crafts has never been this much fun! What will YOU make? Watch the trailer here! === Minecraft is a trademark of Mojang AB.

Preços de venda: 69 => 24.9 BRL


Andrew Leyba

Gloomgrave is a roguelike dungeon crawler with a retro pixel aesthetic. Upgrade your Gloomcrawler with unique perks and experiment with different builds as you try to survive each depth in search of the ultimate ancient relic. ==Gameplay== * Select your class and level up your Gloomcrawler to suit your play style * Turn-based combat lets you take your time and calculate your moves * Explore randomly generated dungeons - no two runs are the same * Avoid traps and try not to drink any hazardous potions! * Find new gear and carefully manage your inventory ==Features== * 50+ items to loot... including weapons, armor, potions, scrolls, and more... * 15+ monsters to slay and outsmart * Several classes to play as, each with unique attributes and gear * 7 depths to explore, each harder than the last * Perks and skills that change gameplay in interesting ways

Preços de venda: 49 => 19.9 BRL


Quan Giang

A tribute to my favorite RPGs. Made with passion. Wade into the haunted mansion of madness and mayhem. Behind every door awaits a new surprise. Fight for your life and befriend bizarre creatures, to uncover the long lost mysteries in this supernatural dungeon-crawler RPG! [PROLOGUE] Long ago, this world of ours was inhabited by mystical creatures known as The Elemates. Together, we lived in harmony, lending our strengths and virtues to one another. Together, we prospered. Then, it all changed when war broke out between civilizations. The Elemates were over-hunted and used as weapons on battlefields. Their habitat: destroyed. Those fantastic creatures were utterly devastated. Until one day, none of them could be found anywhere on the planet. With The Elemates gone, the balance of the world was broken. Famine was but one threat plaguing the survival of all living things. Some people believe that Spirits of the fallen Elemates still exist; somewhere, captured by evils and monsters. Ac

Preços de venda: 40 => 19.9 BRL

Asian Tiger Survival Simulator


Bem-vindo ao melhor simulador de tigre de 2020. Descubra a beleza da natureza, explore belos lagos e florestas da Ásia! Treine seu tigre, aprimore suas habilidades e lute contra búfalos, renas e mamutes, encontre seu companheiro e crie uma família! Você pode fazer o que quiser no mundo mágico da Ásia! Impressionantes gráficos HD Animações de tigre realistas Simulação de mundo aberto e experiência de RPG SIMULADOR DE SOBREVIVÊNCIA REALÍSTICA: - Lute, caça e coma animais. Seja o caçador, não a presa! - Hunt On Land, salte de árvores altas ou espreite em uma pedra e embosque sua presa! - Prepare-se para batalhas épicas com 8 animais diferentes. COMEÇAR UMA FAMÍLIA: - Encontre seu companheiro, comece seu rebanho, levante sua xícara e cace animais mais fortes com sua família. Ciclo Dia / Noite REALÍSTICO: a intensidade da luz do sol muda de forma realista com base na altitude do sol. Estrelas realistas com cintilantes, lua com fases e cirros animados de alta altitude Sistema de som rea

Preços de venda: 29.9 => 19.9 BRL

Squids Odyssey

The Game Bakers

Forma a tua equipa de heróis Squid para combateres caranguejos e camarões corruptos em épicas batalhas por turnos! Steev e o resto dos Squids correm perigo! Um lodo infeccioso está a corromper o seu mundo e este bando de heróis improváveis tem de lutar para salvar o reino. Squids Odyssey não se resume a um estilo de animação único, música alegre e uma história hilariante: as batalhas proporcionam um verdadeiro desafio e precisarás de estratégia e perícia para usares o ambiente e as vantagens dos Squids para levares a tua equipa à vitória! - Constrói o teu grupo a partir de 15 Squids diferentes em quatro classes: atiradores, batedores, soldados e médicos. - Participa em mais de 90 missões para mais de 15 horas de jogo, além de um Modo Pro avançado que duplica a duração do jogo e oferece um desafio maior. - Reforça as capacidades dos teus heróis com mais de 65 capacetes malucos. - Combate em cidadelas antigas, recifes de coral exóticos e templos asiáticos para salvares o teu mundo sub

Preços de venda: 22.9 => 19.9 BRL

One Hour One Life for Mobile


# 1 Role playing game em 32 países até agora! You are Hope é baseado em um jogo para PC chamado "ONE HOUR ONE LIFE", feito por Jason Rohrer. Este aplicativo não é dele, porém, e ele não está de todo envolvido em fazê-lo. O nosso jogo e o mundo online são separados dos seus e contêm alterações e conteúdos extras exclusivos que nós mesmos criamos. Uma coisa importante que você faz neste jogo é nomear seus filhos (que também são jogadores). "You are Hope" é o que uma mãe diria quando ela dá o nome "Hope" ao seu bebê. Se você jogou o jogo de PC, você reconhecerá a premissa: a reconstrução da civilização do zero, com a ajuda de outros jogadores, ao longo de inúmeras gerações. Você começa como o bebê de um dos outros jogadores ou como uma jovem, caso não haja uma mãe disponível. A cada minuto real, um ano de jogo se passa, e você pode viver até 60 anos. Sua vida é única e limitada, mas tudo que você fizer durante o jogo ficará para seus filhos e netos depois que você partir. Tente facil

Preços de venda: 22.9 => 19.9 BRL

Os Jovens Titãs em Figuras

Cartoon Network

Prepare-se para Os Jovens Titãs em Figuras, a sequência épica do jogo de sucesso Os MiniTitãs. Alguém está tentando acabar com os MiniTitãs! Entre na batalha e mergulhe fundo nesse mistério. DESAFIE SEUS AMIGOS O Beta Multiplayer chegou! Você enfrentou os maiores heróis do planeta. Agora, desafie seus amigos em minibatalhas! Melhore sua classificação para desbloquear bonecos da Legião do Mal. COLETE MAIS DE 90 FIGURAS Colete mais de 90 figuras de Os MiniTitãs, incluindo Batman, Superman, Mulher Maravilha, Flash, os Titãs Radicais e muitos outros! Ajude seus heróis a subir de nível para desbloquear habilidades ainda mais poderosas. CUSTOMIZE SEU ESQUADRÃO Todas as figuras podem ser coloridas de diferentes formas! Troque as habilidades dos personagens para tornar sua equipe verdadeiramente única. E lance mão de acessórios, como o BatSinal e as cuecas do Superman, para radicalizar na batalha. ESCOLHA SEU TITÃ Jogue no modo história completa como qualquer um dos Titãs. Escolha Robin, R

Preços de venda: 22.9 => 19.9 BRL

Battleheart 2

Mika Mobile, Inc.

Boas-vindas de volta ao mundo do Battleheart! Nesta sequência incrível do bem-sucedido jogo de RPG para dispositivos móveis de 2011, você comandará um grupo de heróis e matará hordas de monstros em batalhas frenéticas em tempo real que colocarão os seus reflexos à prova. A cada vitória, você enfrentará maiores perigos e terá mais poder através de um equipamento robusto e um sistema de habilidades que oferece várias combinações de heróis, itens e habilidades. Destaques: • 12 heróis exclusivos para criar o seu grupo, incluindo magos, cavaleiros, necromantes, samurais e muito mais! • Personalize as habilidades dos seus heróis selecionando entre 20 aptidões que aumentam seus poderes. • Jogue sozinho ou com a cooperação de até 4 jogadores. • Mais de 20 monstros exclusivos para combater, incluindo 5 chefes desafiadores. • Mais de 130 itens exclusivos para colecionar e armar os seus heróis. • Suporte do iCloud para fazer backup do seu progresso ou transferir para um novo dispositivo.

Preços de venda: 22.9 => 19.9 BRL



The story of a witch who is chased after by warriors. Eirudy, the Marionette Witch. A story-based RPG with no additional in-app payments. The witch Lives in her house in the Misty Forest, hidden from the warriors. At home, she crafts tools and magic, and trains herself. Outside, she explores around to find magical ingredients and often encounters warriors. The witch wakes her dolls and uses them to fight against the warriors. The lonely witch wants to wake her dolls so she can have friends, but her dolls are silent. Sometimes recognized and praised by humans, but sometimes hurt; Eirudy, a lonely witch. Lead Eirudy, the Marionette Witch in the path of light.

Preços de venda: 22.9 => 19.9 BRL

My Town : Museum

My Town Games LTD

No museu do My Town, há algo divertido e fascinante em cada ambiente e algo com que brincar em cada canto. Tenha seu ingresso na mão e faça um passeio inesquecível. Desperte as múmias milenares do Egito Antigo, visite nossa exposição pré-histórica e cave para achar ossos de dinossauros, vista a sua amadura e monte no seu cavalo para um torneio de justa, e até mesmo vá ao espaço. O My Town Museu é divertido e educativo. POR QUE AS CRIANÇAS E OS PAIS ADORAM OS JOGOS DO MY TOWN? Isso é fácil de responder! Os jogos do My Town são a versão digital do velho e bom jogo de casa de boneca. Nossos jogos estimulam a imaginação e são totalmente anti-estresse. Sem vencedores e derrotados, nem início nem fim. As crianças podem literalmente inventar um novo jogo ou aventurar-se toda vez que jogarem. As crianças podem jogar nossos jogos de casa de boneca sozinhas ou com os pais. Crie sua própria cidade de acordo com nossos outros jogos do My Town. JOGUE, IMAGINE, DESCUBRA Brinque dentro do enorme mu

Preços de venda: 22.9 => 19.9 BRL

DeckMake Fantasy


****************** Please note that the following devices are incompatible with this application: iPhone3G, iPod touch (1st, 2nd and 3rd generation 8GB models) ******************* Version 1.5.0 update information (8/12/2011) Game text checked and retranslated by a native user of English. Version 1.4.0 update information -Game Center compatibility added -Lowest number of days to clear added to leaderboards This number can be checked on the Records screen. Version 1.3.0 update information (4/18/2011) -English version released -Various bug fixes Version 1.2.0 update information (3/29/2011) -Summary of monster information obtainable at the Guild Please get information on where to go next at the Guild as usual. Version 1.1.0 update information (3/22/2011) -Quick Mode added -Cards can now be purchased in bulk “Whoever controls the cards shall control the world.” Description: Weapons and magic are embodied in cards that you can build into a deck and then use to defeat mo

Preços de venda: 22.9 => 19.9 BRL

Superbrothers: Sword&Sworcery

Capybara Games Inc.

Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP é uma aventura entre a acção e exploração com uma ênfase no estilo audiovisual. Atravessa um mundo mítico, usa uma espada para travar batalhas e invoca magia para resolver misterios místicos musicais. Experiencia um mundo afectado pelas fases da lua, e ajuda um guerreiro monge completar a sua triste jornada. S:S&S EP inclui música original do compositor Jim Guthrie bem como artwork e design da Superbrothers Inc. O jogo é desenvolvido pelos magos dos videojogos da Capy em Toronto no Canadá. Para mais detalhes, visita o site oficial em Ouve também o album "Sword & Sworcery LP: The Ballad of the Space Babies" de Jim Guthrie, disponível a partir de Abril de 2011 no iTunes, Bandcamp e numa edição limitada em vinil.

Preços de venda: 22.9 => 19.9 BRL

Star Wars™: KOTOR II

Aspyr Media, Inc.

Five years after the events from the award winning Star Wars® Knights of the Old Republic™, the Sith Lords have hunted the Jedi to the edge of extinction and are on the verge of crushing the Old Republic. With the Jedi Order in ruin, the Republic’s only hope is a lone Jedi struggling to reconnect with the Force. As this Jedi, you will be faced with the galaxy’s most dire decision: Follow the light side or succumb to the dark… ———————————————— C H O O S E · Y O U R · D E S T I N Y ———————————————— The choices you make will affect your character, those in your party, and those who may join you in your quest. ————————————— Technical Support Notes ————————————— You can contact Aspyr’s Support Team via

Preços de venda: 79.9 => 17.99 BRL



Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation , the final instalment in the Zenithian trilogy, is now available on mobile devices! Experience an epic adventure spanning two parallel worlds! Recover the heroes’ long-lost memories, and bring the two worlds together! Download it once, and there’s nothing else to buy, and nothing else to download! ******************** ◆Prologue A young lad from the secluded village of Weaver’s Peak lives a peaceful life with his little sister. But all that is to change when the mountain spirit appears before him, prophesying that only he can save the world from being swallowed by darkness. And so he sets out on a grand adventure to learn the truth of his world, and that of the mysterious phantom realm that lies beneath... This world-spanning saga can now be enjoyed in the palm of your hand! ◆Game Features ・Join forces with a band of individual adventurers! Amass a following of faithful friends as you travel around the riven realms. From wandering warriors to

Preços de venda: 199 => 17.99 BRL

Vengeance RPG

Dmitry Torba

Vengeance is a single-player RPG in which you can immerse yourself in a story accompanied by beautiful music and atmosphere. Your journey will be rewarded with legendary and mythical items. What awaits you at Vengeance? - Character with subclasses. - Enhance & crafting items. - Mythic & legendary items. - Many monsters & locations with beautiful music. - No in-game store & energy. No p2w. Only buy and play! - Different vehicles. The game is fully translated into Russian, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese and Korean. The game is partially translated into German, French and Turkish. The game is under development and is being developed by one developer. Soon I will add a continuation of story line and other locations. Thank you for deciding to play my game! =)

Preços de venda: 30 => 16.9 BRL

Barcode Fingermon

Magic Cube

Summon a Fingermon using barcodes! Let’s become the Fingermon League Champion! While testing out his teleporter, Doctor Philip accidentally scans a barcode and summons a Fingermon. After this incident, other people also found out that they can summon Fingermon using a barcode or QR code on the teleporter. These specially selected people with the ability to summon Fingermon are called Connectors. 3 years since then, the Fingermon League, a sport in which Connectors battle using Fingermon, has become the most popular sport. As a newly selected Connector, you have been invited to Fingermon League to take part in the League. Now, scan the barcode to collect Fingermon, and take on various Fingermon Leagues to become the Champion! Game Features -Take a picture of the barcode or QR code to summon Fingermon -A unique combat system that utilizes flicks -160 different types of Fingermon -Each Fingermon possesses different stats and skills, even if they’re the same monster -50 powerful

Preços de venda: 16.9 => 14.9 BRL

Tower of Fortune 4

Game Stew

Tower of Fortune 4 is a role-playing game. You play as a hero who is about to retire and must escort a mysterious little girl to the holy mountain. Features - Slot machine mechanics combine with RPG - A weird team on their fantasy road trip - No endless dialogues, only exciting adventures - 15 stages to explore - Unlock and challenge the legendary Tower as replay value - Collect travel memories to reach different endings - Various kinds of equipment to collect and upgrade

Preços de venda: 30 => 14.9 BRL

Throne Quest

Valorware LTD

Throne Quest is a language-less, seem-less open-world Action Role Playing Game (ARPG). Delve into the adventurous world full of dungeons and forts, fighting 90 types of vicious monsters and search for over 150 unique items of loot. Switch between 12 classes throwing your axes, fire, harps and even a djenty guitar in fast-paced combat whilst gulping potions and collecting drops to level-up and become a champion with one epic Quest- to claim the Throne held by demon boss in the central castle.

Preços de venda: 16.9 => 14.9 BRL

Last Colossus

Game Stew

Last Colossus is an ACT/RPG game. You play as a commander who gains control of a giant robot after crash landing on a war-torn planet. Features - Simulation game combined with ACT and RPG elements. - Fight with your own giant robot! - Story spanning 9 chapters - 24 enemy types and 10 unique bosses to face - 3 endings depends on your choices. ----------------------------------------------------------- Facebook Game Trailer

Preços de venda: 16.9 => 14.9 BRL

Home Behind

Coconut Island Games Limited

Home Behind - Sem Retorno é um jogo estilo roguelike onde você joga como um refugiado. O seu objetivo principal é sobreviver a todas as dificuldades que encontra no seu caminho, sem parar, até finalmente chegar à Europa. Os pensamentos de guerra civil têm estado a pairar no ar da sua terra natal durante anos, e a violência finalmente rebentou. No caos, sua aldeia é queimada até ao chão, e sua filha desapareceu. Quando confrontado com a morte, você escolheu a sobrevivência e superar as dificuldades de doença, guerra e fome. Conseguirá sobreviver tempo suficiente para se reunir com sua filha? -Todos os eventos e experiências que você se depara são gerados aleatoriamente, de modo que cada jogo seja diferente! -Mantenha o controle de seu humor, nutrição e níveis de água, evitando doenças terríveis! -Entre na luta máxima pela sobrevivência com sua viagem de 1500 quilómetros até à segurança. -Desbloqueie os 15 trabalhos, cada um com suas próprias habilidades, itens e recompensas. -Faç

Preços de venda: 16.9 => 14.9 BRL


Daedalic Entertainment GmbH

Este aplicativo requer iPad 4 (ou superior) ou iPhone 5 (ou superior). Dispositivos antigos não são compatíveis. A Terceira Guerra Mundial foi em tempos uma tragédia cruel, pelo menos para os outros. Você parecia estar bem, escondido em sua cobertura chique no Skyhill Hotel… Até o impacto da arma biológica rebentar com a vida que você conhecia. Agora existem mutantes por todo o lado e apenas querem transformá-lo em pedaços com suas garras viciosas. Mas eles não são seu único problema: seus suprimentos estão acabando. Você tem de deixar sua luxuosa cobertura e procurar por comida. Caminhar pelo arranha-céus significa enfrentar o inferno. Existe perigo em todos os cantos e a morte é um estável companheiro. Mas a sério, como é que alguém estaria preparado para algo assim? Já não importa. Nada importa, mas sobreviver. E o tempo está acabando. Abra a porta. Características principais: • Jogabilidade RPG tipo furtivo em um cenário de sobrevivência apocalíptico • Parece novo a cada sessã

Preços de venda: 16.9 => 14.9 BRL

Day R Premium

Aleksey Shurokhov

Como sobreviver em um mundo pós-apocalíptico destruído por uma guerra nuclear? Como não morrer em RPGs online? Descubra após jogar o Day R sobrevivência online! Vantagens da versão premium: - Corvo de estimação único - Set Pemula - Depósitos cheios de itens em abrigo - Uma seleção expandida de benefícios - Chat sem qualquer limitação - Enviar pacotes sem restrições - Marcas de acesso para mapas de todos os tipos e cores Radiação, fome e doença estão por toda parte. Você precisa atravessar um país inteiro e salvar a sua família após uma guerra nuclear. Não se sabe se estão vivos ou se a radiação e o vírus letal já os alcançaram. Descubra segredo do apocalipse e recupere a sua memória durante uma jornada pelo enorme território da União Soviética na década de 1980. Sobreviver após o fim do mundo não é fácil. Você vai ter que cuidar para não passar fome! Monstros, sobrevivência, zumbis, sede, várias doenças pandêmicas e ferimentos, inimigos sedentos por sangue - você vai ter qu

Preços de venda: 16.9 => 14.9 BRL

Você Deve Construir Um Barco

EightyEight Games LTD

"* * * * * - Uma mistura excelente dos jogos de combinar 3 e corrida infinita nunca vista em dispositivos móveis e absolutamente viciante. Compre-o" - Stuff Magazine "* * * * * - Faz o jogo original parecer uma demonstração. É absurdamente divertido e praticamente impossível de largar." - Touch Arcade "* * * * ½ Gold Award - Construir um barco vai se tornar a coisa mais importante da sua vida." - Game Informer "* * * * ½ - Teremos o prazer de construir um barco de novo e de novo." - Gamezebo You Must Build A Boat é um jogo de combinar peças em masmorras. Você explora masmorras, combina peças e enfrenta monstros. Você deve construir um barco. Você deve sair da cama. Você deve pechinchar com o homem-lagarto. Você deve ouvir os seus navegadores mortos-vivos. Você deve deslocar filas e colunas de peças num tabuleiro 6x8. Você deve combinar ao menos 3 peças. Você deve correr para a direita. Você deve se concentrar em 2 áreas da tela ao mesmo tempo. Você deve combin

Preços de venda: 16.9 => 14.9 BRL

Ataque ao Prisma

Cartoon Network

**Indicado a Melhor Jogo para Mobile da Destructoid em 2015** **Entre os 10 Melhores Jogos para Mobile de 2015 pela Paste Magazine** **Entre os 10 Melhores Jogos de RPG de 2015 pela Popular Mechanics** “Um jogo premium sem nenhum tipo de compra dentro do aplicativo, Ataque ao Prisma é parada obrigatória tanto para fãs do desenho quanto para aqueles que adoram jogos de RPG.” - Kotaku “Steven Universo: Ataque ao Prisma mostra que um minijogo de RPG pode ser tão divertido quanto um épico de 80 horas." - Desctructoid 9 de 10 Participe como Garnet, Pérola, Ametista e Steven para deter uma poderosa arma Gem em Ataque ao Prisma! PODER CRYSTAL GEM Dispare as Luvas-Foguete de Garnet, invoque a Holo-Pérola e detone seus inimigos com o Pumã Roxo. Todos os quatro Gems possuem ataques e atualizações únicos. AVENTURAS MÁGICAS Explore cavernas, enfrente vilões, colete tesouros supersecretos e suba de nível! Encha a mochila de Steven com todo tipo de itens mágicos para ajudá-lo em sua missão.

Preços de venda: 16.9 => 14.9 BRL

Draw a Stickman: EPIC HD, Inc.

*** Vencedor de dois prêmios Webby de Melhor Jogo Portátil e Melhor Jogo de Tablet do Ano!*** Mergulhe nas aventuras de Draw a Stickman: EPIC desenhando sua vitória dentre os inúmeros obstáculos que o terrível Zarp atirará contra você! O mundo de Draw a Stickman: EPIC desabrocha com fantasia, aventura e originalidade. Estimule a sua criatividade desenhando o seu próprio Stickman! Deixe a sua fantasia rabiscar seu dispositivo e criar o seu próprio Stickman e armas nesse criativo jogo de aventura! Você precisa passar por palitinhos de dinamite? Desenhe uma chama para acendê-la e corra antes que ela faça "BUUUM"! As abelhas estão bloqueando seu caminho? Combata-as com o lápis nuvem para fazer brotar uma distração! Espante dragões, enrole trolls em teias de aranha, e choque torradeiras com uma nuvem de relâmpago! Estimule a sua criatividade no mundo ÉPICO do Stickman ou saia para uma aventura como nos velhos tempos do videogame! Num mundo de palitinhos, sempre há muito que montar! Ah, e nã

Preços de venda: 16.9 => 14.9 BRL


EightyEight Games LTD

10000000 é um RPG de quebra-cabeças em masmorras. Explore a masmorra, combine peças e corra o maior tempo possível. "Este jogo é tão bom que me dá vontade de chorar" — TouchArcade - Monstros bloqueando seu caminho? Combine espadas e cajados para eliminar orcs, dragões e elementais pixelados. - Não acha uma combinação? Aproveite os itens da sua mochila. Que tal lançar um feitiço que muda todas as peças no tabuleiro ou comer alguma coisa para ganhar mais energia? - A luta está muito difícil? Use o saque que encontrar para voltar ao ferreiro ou armeiro e elevar seu equipamento a um nível épico. "A liberdade custa 10 milhões. Estou meio esperando que ela nunca chegue" — Kotaku - É um RPG também! Cada masmorra e confronto concede experiência para usar em novas habilidades no treinador. - Mãos à obra: combinar madeira e pedra permite usá-las para melhorar seu castelo. "É bom demais" — Pocket Tactics - Prepare poções para ficar mais forte, ou se estive

Preços de venda: 16.9 => 14.9 BRL

Lords of the Fallen


Lords of the Fallen is a mysterious action game where you battle gothic monsters in a thrilling 1-on-1 combat. Use swipe controls to attack, dodge or parry. But keep in mind that quick wits needs to be combined with the right strategy to defeat enemies. Jump into a brand new mobile experience set in the universe of Lords of the Fallen. Join Harkyn, Yetka and Kaslo as they journey deep into the heart of a forsaken monastery to end the reign of the Demon Queen Akasha once and for all. BATTLE GOTHIC MONSTERS IN 1-ON-1 COMBAT Fight against unholy horrors using the steel of your sword and the courage of your conviction. Dodge leviathan fists and counter with a flurry of slashes. Chain together massive combos and deliver unspeakable damage with the edge of your blade. INTUITIVE CONTROLS MAKE EVERY SWIPE COUNT Lords of the Fallen puts the action at the tip of your finger through swiping sword strikes and tapping defensive maneuvers. So long as you have quick wits and even quicker reflexe

Preços de venda: 54.9 => 11.99 BRL

Jade Empire™: Special Edition

Aspyr Media, Inc.

Jade Empire: Special Edition is an award-winning action RPG from the makers of Dragon Age and Mass Effect. Experience a unique combination of fast paced martial arts action with a gripping, character driven story set in a mythical land. Each decision builds your reputation, changing the course of interactions with other characters and followers. Take the role of a master of martial arts, and recruit followers to your cause in an interactive, living world. Embark on an epic journey with fascinating characters across a graphically beautiful, fantastic new world inspired by the myths and legends of ancient China. Sinister events upset the peaceful harmony of an isolated martial arts school, drawing you into a story that unfolds with drama, action, and adventure. Detailed followers and other non-player characters enrich the adventure by providing comic relief, rivalries, flirtations, and hostility. Stare in awe at the sweeping views of the lush environments, sheer vertical drops, and

Preços de venda: 49.9 => 11.99 BRL

Banner Saga 2


The epic award winning story-based role-playing game continues its emotional journey across a breaking world. Lead your Viking clans across hostile country on the brink of collapse. Make bold leadership decisions, manage resources wisely and strike skillfully in battle to survive another day in the harsh wild. Experience the epic story that took the indie gaming world by storm in Banner Saga 2! KEY GAME FEATURES • Hand-drawn visuals – Gorgeous 2D combat sequences, animations and effects • The saga continues – Carry on your story and choices from The Banner Saga or jump into the adventure from scratch with pre-set character options. • Viking mythology – A truly epic setting inspired by real Viking myths • Tactical combat – Improved, turn-based battles demand precision and strategy • RPG upgrades – Level up your characters’ stats and unlock devastating new moves • Hard choices – Choose wisely in and out of battle as danger lurks around each corner • Real consequences – Permanent loss

Preços de venda: 7,900 => 11.99 BRL

Dungeon Legends 2 - RPG Games

Lukasz Radziejewicz

Dungeon Legends 2 : Tale of Light and Shadow is dungeon crawler role playing game (RPG) adventure with great graphics and sound emphasizing the captivating atmosphere of an abandoned forgotten castle. Enter this fantasy adventure full of deadly monsters, magic, puzzles and quests. Make your ways through the dungeons, defeat fantasy creatures, develop your character, search for helpful items and arm yourself, learn spells that will increase your power. If you are a fan of RPG Dungeon Crawlers Dungeon Legends 2 : Tale of Light and Shadow is a game for you. Dungeon Legends 2 offers 15 hours of addictive adventure, where you will have to kill enemies, find the your way through the labyrinth, search for keys and switches, solve quests, talk to non player characters, avoid traps. During exploring, you will have to look for new items (weapons, armor, potions, spellbooks) and you will also develop your characters features and abilities. All of this to save your city surrounded by the ar

Preços de venda: 27 => 10.9 BRL

Animus - Stand Alone


◆◆◆Developer Notes Animus pays homage to punishing, albeit rewarding action games of a similar nature or genre. In this sense, it may be one of the rare and interesting additions to the App Store. If you enjoy subtle, intense boss fights, this is for you. We don’t smother the screen with numbers or excessive effects — engaging combat is the focus. Now, let us seek out our monsters, and meet them face to face. Animus - Stand Alone (Ire SA Edition) is the companion game supplementing continued work on Ire - Blood Memory. ◆◆◆Background "Countless possibilities had been while hope rose and fell, but all were beaten into the dust, bringing an end to the age of champions. The lands now lay desolate and empty but for the acrimonious shadows, enslaved in the falsehood of their own creation. Yet... there is one left wandering the lands in torturous pilgrimage, to escape this prison... or end it." ◆◆◆Game Characteristics* . Standalone (offline capable) . Tactical Action(RPG) . Linear progr

Preços de venda: 99 => 9.99 BRL

Blue Monster: Rainbow Survival

Thai Le Van

Gridlock Dungeon is a single-player puzzle game in which you -- the hero -- attempt to clear creatures by traveling on an uninterrupted path through the grid. Progress through the dungeon depths and unlock additional creatures and mechanisms to test your puzzle-solving prowess.

Preços de venda: 24.9 => 9.9 BRL

Play This Life: Legacy Edition


Build a family legacy spanning unlimited generations! Grow your family’s wealth and assets, watch what happens to your children and relatives after you die, experience how an individual’s life choices can impact their descendants across centuries! This premium version of the Play This Life simulation game will allow you to transcend death and live on (and on, and on, and on) as the children of your children. Make your previous lives mean so much more! Have more backstory for your future lives. Experience the karma of having children you raised (or left out of your will) as your next parents! Possibly benefit from the money you accumulated in your previous life. Also, add custom names to your game and its NPCs! No missed childhoods. No unknown ancestry. Just life as it is in your wildest dreams—and nightmares. In Play This Life: Legacy Edition, you have so much more than just one generation to live.

Preços de venda: 1,500 => 9.9 BRL

Dungeons & Miners

Gaspar Mereu

Something is rotten in the state of Gravulgar. You are an outsider in search of adventure; equipped with sword, shield and your thrusty pickaxe, you must pave your way through dangerous dungeons and haunted mines to help the king restore the kindgom to its former glory. -Handcrafted quests and adventures! -Procedurally generated dungeons and mines -All kinds of items to help you on your journey -Customizable controls, you can even play with one hand! -The inhabitants of Gravulgar have many stories for you to discover

Preços de venda: 16.9 => 9.9 BRL

End of the Universe

Kyle Barrett

End of the Universe is a challenging, fast-paced space shooter with rogue-like elements. Players rapidly build up and break custom star fighters with every run, all while trying to survive existential horrors lurking at the edge of space. Designed for short, energetic sessions with a one-touch control scheme. There are over 100 otherworldly weapons and skills to discover, 1000s of meaningfully different ship combinations to create, and hundreds of enemy types to face down. The game also features a branching narrative with dozens of unique environments and challenges to encounter. The farther out you get, the more bizarre things become. Key Features: -1000s of dynamically generated ships to unlock and upgrade. -Challenging, skill-based combat with mobile-friendly controls. -Streamlined & deep ship modification system. -Colorful, retro-styled pixel art. -70+ Game--changing skills and weapons to find and master. -60+ enemy and boss variations to take down. -Challenging endgame with s

Preços de venda: 49 => 9.9 BRL

Safari Animals Simulator

Alperen Karagoz

You will born in the middle of a safari world. You need to protect yourself, find food,find water and grow up. You will have a family and you must protect them also. Play with your hero from birth to death. If you want to feel like a safari animal and want to live in a safari world like them, this game is for you! GAME FEATURES: - Included safari animals; Crocodile, Tiger, Lion, Jaguar, Elephant, Rhino, Zebra, Hippo, Giraffe, Gaselle. - Choose your hero. What do you want to experience? - Complete the initial tasks. Raise your hero and kill the enemies. - You will be hungry, thirst and tired. Protect your health! - Find your mate. Have a cub and protect your family. - Wait to born and enjoy the experience of having a cub. - Use your mini map and large map finding enemies and foods. - Increase your level, strengthen the character. TECHNICAL DETAILS: - Mobil optimized HD graphics. - Sensitive touch controls. - Handy buttons. - Quest system. - Level system. - Dynam

Preços de venda: 10.9 => 9.9 BRL

Out There Chronicles - Ep. 2

Mi-Clos Studio

The next chapter of the highly-anticipated Sci-Fi saga inspired by Out There, the multi-award-winning space exploration game. After fleeing America in a ramshackle ship, Darius and his ragtag crew crash on a desert planet. He wakes in a sorry state, alone on the purple desert planet. In this chapter, Darius must survive on a planet almost as unwelcoming as a local population that worships a mysterious Winged God. What happened to his crew? Did Nyx survive? And most importantly, how the hell can he get off this cursed planet? Out There Chronicles is a unique adventure set several million years before Out There. Where do the Arks come from? What are the Cubes? Fans of the original game will find answers to some questions, but others will remain a mystery. You’ll also meet various alien races and get the opportunity to learn more about their people… If you can master their language, of course. In this universe that is so far from your own in distance and in time, a sharp mind and

Preços de venda: 10.9 => 9.9 BRL

Space Trader 2018

Marc Auger

Travel the galaxy, become an expert trader, fight pirates, and run from the police in Space Trader! A much-anticipated remake of the hugely popular, timeless strategy game from the 1980s, Space Trader is a historically accurate port of the original Palm Pilot game by Pieter Spronck. It features the original ten commodities and more than 100 original planets, each with unique tech levels, governments, resources, and other characteristics. For support or to submit a bug report, email

Preços de venda: 29 => 9.9 BRL

9th Dawn II

Valorware LTD

Explore an expansive and rich world; venture through thick forests, ancient ruins, deep caverns, and besieged towns. From the southern sands of the frigid glaciers to the north, engage in battle with the terrifying monsters and other unsavoury figures that aim to stand in your way. Collect an enormous amount of items, loot, weapons and armour from a colossal variety of monsters. Delve once more into the rich world of Caspartia, to a time when when humanity faces its greatest threat. Set out into a world on a perilous journey to aid in the reclamation of the home and birthplace of a once glorious and thriving nation. For many years now, your home and people have been subjected to the might and brutality of the Hydra Dragon, but time chooses no favourites. You stand now at the precipice of a new age, but it is your actions that will decide the fate of mankind, and whether or not the sun will rise once more upon Caspartia. Take on carefully crafted puzzles with deadly moving platforms

Preços de venda: 10.9 => 9.9 BRL

Hero Jump!!


Hero Jump!! is a 1-tap endless game for Apple TV where you have to jump as much stairs as you can within 10 seconds. You earn 4 additional seconds every 20 stairs you climb, so be quick, but also be careful not to miss stairs, make a single jump with a tap on the controller, and a double jump by make a right swipe on it. You can also buy new characters with the total stairs you get round by round. It’s a simple game, yet very addictive! Have fun with Hero Jump.

Preços de venda: 10.9 => 9.9 BRL


id Software

Hell has returned! Prepare yourself for DOOM II RPG for the iPhone, the sequel to id Software’s hit turn based mobile game Doom RPG. A mysterious distress signal calls your team—two hardened Marines and a rookie scientist—to a Union Aerospace Corporation research facility on Earth’s Moon, but you were unprepared for what awaits you. The forces of Hell itself have taken hold of the station and its inhabitants! Zombies and demonic monsters roam the halls, killing all who cross their path. Your backup squad is dead. Mysterious scientists conspire against you. Even the facility’s AI cannot be trusted. You are being hunted from all sides. Now, you must fight to survive, and try to stop the invasion—and uncover the truth—by any means available. The fate of all humanity is at stake! Choose one of three different characters and get ready to battle through hordes of deadly monsters, including returning favorites such as the Pinky, Cacodemon, and Revenant, as well as new threats lik

Preços de venda: 13 => 9 BRL



--------------------------------------------- More games from Goorusoft •Metal Racer •MetalWars3 •BoxMan Rising •MetalWars •MetalWars2 --------------------------------------------- How to play -Move the Ipodtouch / Iphone left and right to change the direction of warship. -Shoot the cannon by checking the gauge level on the warship. -Touch anywhere on the screen to shoot the cannon. -When the enemy drops its trophies while fighting, you can pick them up and save them. -Check the money on the upper-left side of the screen. -Upgrade the cannon, speed and defensive strength of the warship with the saved money while playing or on the dock screen. -Buy a much stronger warship in the shop with your saved money. WarShip! The screams of seamen echo in the deep and wild seas. Now, the seamen will go through an adventure, risking their lives, fighting at sea. Advance to where no human has been before and become a master of Sea. Only brave and the wise can be a master of sea. There are en

Preços de venda: 13 => 9 BRL

Star Traders: Frontiers

Trese Brothers

You are the captain of a starship venturing through a massive open universe. Customize your crew and take command at the helm of your very own ship as you explore a galaxy torn apart by internal strife, alien threats, and political intrigue. Command your ship and crew as a space pirate, merchant, bounty hunter, and more in Star Traders: Frontiers – an epic space RPG from Trese Brothers Games. Venture forth into a massive open universe, rich with adventure and the lore of the Star Traders. Choose your path by assembling and commanding your custom crew and spaceship in a constantly evolving galaxy torn by internal strife, political intrigue, and alien threats. Will you fly as a pirate terrorizing shipping lanes, join the solar wars as a military captain, or track targets across the stars as a fearsome bounty hunter? - Explore a rich, open universe: Discover endless procedurally-generated galactic maps, meet unique characters, and take on enemies to conquer the galaxy! - Become an in

Preços de venda: 39.9 => 7.99 BRL

Earth And Legend®

DVide Arts Inc.

The most advanced full-scaled multiplayer 3D RPG for iOS has arrived. Join the battle in this epic RPG adventure delivered in stunning 3D. FEATURES: MULTIPLAYER Earth And Legend features multiplayer mode as well as single player. Team up with friends and experience full worldwide online multiplayer. The multiplayer system allows players to tag team creatures and fight alongside each other while solving quests PETS Earth And Legend features the ability to own pets. Not only do pets make great companions but they also are trained to fight alone side their owner in combat COMBAT SYSTEM Earth And Legend features 3 skill lines (Melee, Bow and Magic), which include a new and innovative combat system with real-time live action melee attacks and spell casting REAL NIGHT AND DAY Earth And Legend features a true in-game cycle of night and day on a 24 hour based time system. For every 24 minutes that the game is played, a full night and day cycle of 24 hours passes in the game world WEATHE

Preços de venda: 5,900 => 7.99 BRL

Card Quest : Card Combat

Plug In Digital

Card Quest is a dungeon crawling adventure game with unique card combat. Play with a variety of unique character classes, and customize decks to fit your playstyle. Explore the strategic depth of tactical roguelike gameplay, and crush your enemies. ◙ Diverse Classes: Play as a Rogue, Wizard, Fighter or Hunter. The choice is yours. Each has its own unique gameplay style and 3 custom specializations to add even more variety! Turn your rogue into a Swashbuckler or an Assassin, your wizard into a Pyromancer or Necromancer, your fighter into a Berserker or a Paladin and your Hunter into a Sharpshooter or a Fey Archer! ◙ Powerful Equipment: Unlock new items by defeating mighty bosses. There are dozens of different pieces of equipment and items for each class to further customize your heroes; granting them new cards and abilities. ◙ Streamlined Progression: Level up your heroes to increase their stamina and health and gain useful passives and unlock new specializations.

Preços de venda: 29.9 => 6.99 BRL

Immortal Rogue

Kyle Barrett

Immortal Rogue is a brutal, swipe-controlled action roguelike. You play as a vampire that wakes up every 100 years to feed. Who you choose to hunt directly impacts the future and changes the game world. Different timelines offer different enemies to defeat and unique items to discover. You can fight samurai with a rocket fist from a long lost civilization, or take out cyborgs with an enchanted katana. The combat is challenging, and defeat has consequences. But you can never truly die. The world goes on with both your allies, and your enemies, awaiting your return. Key Features: -A dynamically generated world based on your narrative choices. -Challenging, skill-based combat with mobile-friendly controls. -Over 70 unique enemies to discover -Colorful, retro-styled pixel art. -30+ Vampiric abilities to unlock -30+ Unique weapons to master -Secret bosses to discover. -Hundreds of potential characters to hunt down or turn into allies -Massive replayability with scores of possible timeline

Preços de venda: 24.9 => 5.99 BRL

Heaven Will Be Mine

Pillow Fight LLC

It’s 1981, and the dream of a new home in space for all humanity is dead. After fighting for decades against an intangible and ephemeral existential threat from beyond the solar system, Earth command has declared the war effort a huge waste of time. The honeymoon is over, and a future of glittering cities across the solar system and cosmic battles between giant robots just isn’t going to happen. The outcome is clear: it’s time to come home. But we don’t care. Giant robots may not make any sense. Celestial cities across the solar system are silly dreams. They are, however, extremely awesome. We, the girls who were raised in space, to be special and incredible and pave the way for a new future, aren’t giving up so easily. We’ve got invincible Ship-Selves for ferrying human bodies through time and space, and we have the weight and power to make a fantasy of the future real. We’re not going out without a fight. From the creators of We Know The Devil, Heaven Will Be Mine is a queer scien

Preços de venda: 24.9 => 5.99 BRL


Wadjet Eye Games LLC

What happened to the humans? In a desolate, ruined world inhabited only by robots, the taciturn android Horatio searches for answers. Where did he come from? Where have all the humans gone? And what, if any, was his role in it? Torn from his peaceful existence in the crashed airship, the UNIIC, Horatio and his sarcastic floating friend Crispin are forced to travel to Metropolis, City of Glass and Light, to retrieve their stolen power core. What they discover there changes their understanding of the world and their place in it, for better or worse. Full voice acting, featuring Logan Cunningham (the voice of Bastion) as Horatio. -- Reviews -- Adventure Gamers - "Beautiful, surrealistic retro graphics; likeable characters and a deceptively sprawling plot." 4/5 Eurogamer - "Primordia is delightful, smart and packed with personality." 7/10 Rock Paper Shotgun - "A cast of thoroughly insane-in-the-short-circuited-membrane side characters keeps the ride nice and lively as well, comp

Preços de venda: 24.9 => 5.99 BRL

Totally Battle Simulator

德刚 刘

In this game, you can fight with various arms, such as club, protector, spear thrower, Stoner, bone mage, chieftain and chieftain. There are more than 100 characters in total. You can also switch the perspective and control NPC to fight by yourself. There are 20 maps in total, including Viking, farm, snow, etc

Preços de venda: 19.99 => 4.99 BRL

Tender: Creature Comforts

Kenny Sun

Tender is a narrative game that explores connection and rejection in the era of swipe culture. It’s a story told by and through the modern interface for finding love. - Swipe through hundreds of intergalactic profiles - Chat with your matches and hope the sparks fly - Schedule dates in your calendar and play them out in real time - Unfold a vast array of branching storylines CW: Toxic relationships Written by Gideon Lazarus Art by Jie En Lee Programmed by Kenny Sun

Preços de venda: 19.9 => 4.99 BRL

The Bonfire: Forsaken Lands

Xigma Games

Build, discover, craft and survive. Build your settlement in a snowy encampment and manage workers and resource to survive monster attacks during nights. Slowly you will gain access to advanced buildings and crafting options, discover and trade with new civilizations and discover the secrets of the ancients. FEATURES > Build your own settlement and manage the in-depth simulation > Survive dangerous monsters and harsh weather > Beautiful snowy landscape with minimalist aesthetics > Discover something new with every passing day > Game Center leaderboards and achievements

Preços de venda: 19.9 => 4.99 BRL

My Town : Fire station Rescue

My Town Games LTD

Become the hero of My town by playing as a fireman or paramedic. Start by dressing your characters in their protective gear, then head into the control room, where you’ll receive emergency calls, then drive the firetruck, helicopter or ambulance to reach your missions! and spray the fire, extinguish the burning flames and save lives! But! There’s more to My Town : Fire Station Rescue than heading out for your missions. Children can learn about the daily lives of emergency workers by exploring what they do while waiting for the next call. Your family can visit you at the fire station and you can challenge them to a ping-pong game. Perhaps they’ve always wanted to see My Town from the sky? You can take them out on a helicopter flight! Just don’t forget to leave time for the gym, so you ensure you are fit and ready for any mission that might come your way. FEATURES *Save game mode: You can exit or log out of the game, and when you pick it back up none of your progress is lost- you can

Preços de venda: 17.99 => 4.99 BRL

The Innsmouth Case

Assemble Entertainment

A desperate mother, a missing girl and a mystical place - a case could hardly be more challenging. To solve the enigmatic disappearance of little Tabitha Marsh, however, the toughest and cleverest detective of all is wanted... but he does not have the time - and so the job goes to you. This mysterious assignment takes you to the remote fishing village of Innsmouth, where nothing is what it seems… Save the girl, solve the case, survive Innsmouth! The Innsmouth Case is a detective adventure in the style of an interactive book inspired by the fantastical works of horror legend H.P. Lovecraft. The unique mixture of horror and humor makes The Innsmouth Case the first scary-comedy-text-adventure of its kind. A game in which every decision counts, and there is far more than one way to successfully solve the case ... or fail miserably! Features: * Become part of a stirring story in the Lovecraft universe, where every decision you make has a lasting effect on the story. * This interactive

Preços de venda: 13 => 4.9 BRL

Neo Monsters

ZigZaGame Inc.

Become a Legend! Capture over 2000 Animated Monsters and Duel in Real-Time PvP! Form your team and battle for victory! Capture, train, and evolve to become the champion in one of the biggest monster battling RPGs! Neo Monsters is an addictive strategy RPG that features epic 4v4 battles between two teams of up to 16 monsters. The unique turn-based battle system allows you to come up with powerful chain strategies by combining hundreds of abilities. Hunt down the strongest monsters and harness their power, then take the battle online to dominate in exciting PvP battles and leagues! Are you ready to take the challenge? ▶Features: ● Build your Monster Collection • Capture and evolve over 1000 fully animated monsters! • Train your monsters and unleash their deadly potential. • Collect evolution ingredients to create the ultimate power! ● Form a Battle Strategy • Build the ultimate team of up to 16 monsters. • Defeat your opponents in epic turn-based 4v4 battles! • Create devastating c

Preços de venda: 900 => 4.9 BRL

Gods Wars II-Blade of Lucifer

Shanghai YC Game ltd.

In Chinese appstore, it reaches best 10 games since it is published !!! The legendary Gods Wars series returns with a vengeance! Play the most intense and immersive hack ‘n’ slash game ever on mobile! TONS OF OPTIONS FOR YOUR PROGRESS AND EVOLUTION - Over 1,000 items to unlock over time or buy them right from the start if you can’t wait. Will you become the most powerful hero? - Gain experience points with each completed arena and unlock new skills and new fairy attacks as you level up. DYNAMIC ACTION RPG GAMEPLAY Customize, level up and equip your hero with a massive array of options and skill charts!

Preços de venda: 9 => 4.9 BRL


FDG Mobile Games GbR

PREPARE-SE PARA O PRIMEIO RPG DE AÇÃO INFINITO DO MUNDO Slayin testará suas habilidades como nenhum outro jogo infinito na App Store. Não se deixe enganar pelos charmosos gráficos retrô e pela nostálgica trilha sonora. Neste jogo, a morte se esconde por todos os lados! Seu objetivo parece simples. Escolha um entre três heróis: cavaleiro, mago e valete. Então mate quantos monstros conseguir, subindo de nível e obtendo equipamentos mais poderosos pelo caminho. Mas há um detalhe: se você morrer, é o fim do jogo! Em sua jornada, você viajará por inúmeros locais e encontrará dezenas de monstros diferentes e chefes aterrorizantes. Eventualmente, você terá até que enfrentar um lendário dragão gigante. Mas ele não abrirá mão de seu tesouro facilmente. Apenas os maiores aventureiros serão capazes de completar esta tarefa e se tornar um verdadeiro herói. Prepare-se para Slayin! • O primeiro RPG de ação infinito do mundo • Desafiador e recompensador • Gráficos retrô pixelados • Trilha sono

Preços de venda: 900 => 4.9 BRL

River Legends

Brian Chau

“Sometimes you just need a relaxing pixel art fishing game, and this is a great one” PCGamer River Legends: A Fly Fishing Adventure is a single-player, pixel art fishing simulation with RPG and adventure elements. Learn to fly fish while traversing the virtual Pine Canyon. “...simple yet pleasing angling mechanics...” Rock Paper Shotgun Features ■ Explore the far reaches of a wild canyon in glorious pixel art ■ Pursue multiple species of challenging fish with realistic AI, each with their own fly and weather preferences ■ Master dynamic weather conditions and realistic water currents ■ Choose the best tackle based on water conditions​ - wet, dry, and streamer flies ■ Cast your fly fishing line with real-time controls ■ Master the art of landing tough fighting trophy fish, both trout and other freshwater species ■ Keep track of the fish you catch in your trophy album ■ Adventure into an array of fishing environments including forgotten canyons, dark forests, alpine lakes, s

Preços de venda: 14.9 => 3.99 BRL

Through the Darkest of Times


Tempos sombrios trazem medo e riscos. O risco de ser pego por patrulhas de nacional-socialistas atrás de pessoas que se colocam abertamente contra a visão deles. O risco de sermos espancados ou até mortos por militares alemães por fazermos oposição ao regime. O risco de perder tudo, até nossos entes queridos. É assim que vivemos. É assim que tentamos sobreviver. Através dos tempos mais sombrios. Plan, Act, Survive Você lidera um pequeno grupo de resistência na Berlin de 1933, formado por pessoas comuns, de judeus a católicos, comunistas a patriotas que não conseguem se calar. Seu objetivo é minar o regime aos poucos — espalhando panfletos de conscientização sobre a verdadeira intenção dos nazistas, pintando mensagens nas paredes, sabotando, recolhendo informações e recrutando mais seguidores. Tudo isso enquanto continua nas sombras... Se as forças do regime descobrirem o seu grupo, a vida de cada membro estará em perigo. Experience history Through the Darkest of Times é um jogo estra

Preços de venda: 35.99 => 3.99 BRL

Juicy Realm

X.D. Network Inc.

Juicy Realm is a roguelike game with fruits as enemies. It is set in a world in which the line between animals and plants is blurred. It began with the tipping of the food-chain, which forced the humans to establish an outpost and begin an investigation in the region where the first species of mutated plants was discovered. The military has prepared a vast number of powerful weapons, with you leading the vanguard forces to wage this long war. Subverted Order “Many years later, when the humans watch as the plants climb up to the top of the food chain, they will be reminded of their own naivety and arrogance…” Only when all the plants started to evolve into animals, growing limbs and becoming sentient, did the humans realize the threat of those photosynthetic-lifeforms. No one knows how they achieved the state of evolution that took animal lifeforms millions of years to reach in such a short amount of time, and no one knows their ultimate objective. The only thing known for sure is that

Preços de venda: 14.9 => 3.99 BRL

Lifeline: Whiteout

3 Minute Games, Inc.

Alone in a frozen wasteland with no memory of how he got there, a lost adventurer’s only hope is his last line of communication – to YOU! Guide him to safety and help him find his identity in this gripping story of survival. Your choices shape the story as you play! 3 Minute Games has partnered with Eipix Entertainment for the next installment of the critically-acclaimed Lifeline series. Lifeline: Whiteout introduces a brand new character, V. Adams! Play on the go with real-time notifications sent to your device or check in with V. Adams throughout your day – waiting for the bus, eating lunch, before bed! Decisions can have a profound effect. Finish the game and then play again to discover a whole new story when you make different choices. WATCH US: Praise for Lifeline: “This is the best game on the Apple Watch.” – “I’ve played many games that I find engrossing, but Lifeline may be one of the first that changed the way I thought abou

Preços de venda: 2,500 => 3.99 BRL

Devils & Demons - Arena Wars Premium


Immerse yourself in the probably best strategy RPG ever! Fight hordes of savage demons and undead while you clash with powerful boss enemies like necromancers and dragons. Take on a myriad of quests in a living fantasy world with many events, encounters and of course epic war loot. Enjoy the action, excitement and fun as you increase the power of your group of heroes and pave your way to the top. Embrace the legend of Devils & Demons and write your own story! In a magic age, where dragons ruled and the world of Desola was at the height of its glory, a demonic portal opened its infernal abyss in the shadowlands. The realm was ravaged by Devils & Demons. As the battle between monsters and men raged, endless streams of diabolic reapers brought death and despair to humankind. The army of man was outnumbered and in disarray. It is your duty to assemble a party of heroes and embark on an epic quest to help the Order of the Light stop the menacing threat. Start your crusade to protect the ki

Preços de venda: 16.9 => 3.99 BRL

Nano Empire

James Senter

A network of nanorobots gives humans godlike power. What will you do with yours? -Create your own world! Build, upgrade, and explore a unique combination of glorious locations. No two worlds are the same! -Wage war against 10 enemy personalities, from giant scorpion matriarchs to ruthless space pirates! -Embark on secret missions, discover dark truths, and take action. Many lives will depend on your choices! An incremental strategy game designed for depth and replayability. No Ads, No In-App Purchases. Accessible with VoiceOver.

Preços de venda: 16.9 => 2.99 BRL

Dungeon of the Endless: Apogee


Dungeon of the Endless: Apogee is the award-winning Rogue-Like Dungeon-Defense game, in which you and your team of heroes must protect the generator of your crashed ship while exploring an ever-expanding dungeon, all while facing waves of monsters and special events as you try to find your way out. The Apogee Edition of Dungeon Of The Endless includes the full game and five DLCs. WHAT’S BEHIND THE DOOR? A few hundred condemned criminals were being shipped to the Auriga system on board the prison hulk “Success”. While this was presented as a chance to earn back their place in society by working hard for the common good, they understood that in fact they would be slave labour, sent to colonize an unexplored planet. All they knew about Auriga Prime was what the probes told them: it had water, temperate zones, plant life, and plenty of metals in the crust. In fact, the planet Auriga once hosted a major settlement of the galaxy-travelling ancestors known as the Endless. In addition, the

Preços de venda: 39.9 => 1.99 BRL

The Sun: Origin

Igor Migun

*** Mais de 500 mil downloads em dispositivos. *** Um grande mundo pós-apocalíptico com muitas missões diferentes!!! *** Sistema de elaboração perfeito!!! Monte sua armadura de defesa!!! *** Gráficos impressionantes nas configurações máximas! Pós-apocalíptico mundial Em 2050, O Sol liberou enormes quantidades de energia para o espaço, tornando o planeta caótico por séculos. A Catástrofe foi prevista por astrólogos e videntes, cientistas e astrônomos de renome mundial. Alguns foram para conferências científicas, e fóruns, tentando chegar aos governos, Para tomar medidas cabíveis para segurança do Mundo. Mas eles não acreditavam... e foi adiando a Medidas de segurança indefinidamente, fez vista grossa sobre as previsões e sinais. A energia solar foi lançada pela galáxia com grande quantidade de pequenas partículas acabando com muitos seres vivo. Após a explosão, que foi lançado no espaço milhões de toneladas de partículas radioativas, foi em direção ao nosso planeta, acabando com o

Preços de venda: 4.9 => 1.9 BRL

Alien Attack VR - Cardboard


All actions occur inside the spacecraft that is under attack from aliens. You need to stop them. Our Virtual Reality Alien Attack Game is a sci-fi game that makes aliens appear right before your eyes. Just download the free app and place your smartphone in the cardboard. Eliminate all the aliens that appear on your screen. Features: - Full 3D immersion - Realistic 3D sounds - Captivating soundtrack - Incredible graphics that create a feel of palpable reality - Easy to use controls - Randomized enemy attack pattern - Compatible with Google Cardboard

Preços de venda: 400 => 1.19 BRL

Anxious Girl

Fight Like A Girl Games ApS

Anxious Girl - a modern, fragile heroine - must overcome mental challenges as she progresses in a dark world.

Preços de venda: 4.9 => 0.99 BRL

Dungeon and Gravestone

Wonderland Kazakiri inc.

Prepare yourself! Because this gravestone could have your name on it... A roguelike where the town changes along with the dungeon each time you die! Find tons of weapons and equipment, level through an extensive skill tree, take on dozens of quests, and look for hidden dungeons! Solve the mysteries of this world where secrets abound! Arise! The time for sleep has passed. The world needs you now, more than ever, as the threat of destruction looms closer with each passing moment. The path of salvation lies ahead with only one way to attain it. You must conquer the dungeon and its keeper that awaits you. Beware not to outstay your welcome as your life energy is slowly drained the longer you stay in the dungeon. Those brave enough to venture the dungeon are rewarded with items to help power up their equipment, allowing them to reach further into its depths. Complete quests, fight bosses, collect items and fish like your life depends on it! Mastering this chaotic world will prove diff

Preços de venda: 4.9 => 0.99 BRL

Pride and Prejudice

Mount Mojo

In this new adaptation you become the feisty, courageous, and articulate heroine from this classic romantic tale. This is the first adaptation of its kind of Jane Austen’s adored novel, Pride and Prejudice. Be immersed in a world of courtship, romance, drama, and playful diversions. This app blends eloquent prose with evocative music as you fall in love, lose love, and discover hope. Experience it now…

Preços de venda: 4.9 => 0.99 BRL



Micromon is now FREE to play! Please check out NEXOMON for your next epic monster capture adventure at ! 130+ Animated Monsters to Catch & Battle! No waiting, play at your own pace! Embark on an epic monster capture RPG like none other on mobile! Enter the massive world of Pixekai, where you can capture, train, and battle over 130 fully animated monsters. Overcome the many challenges on your journey to become the top tamer of Pixekai! Uncover and foil the plans of an evil, secret organization within Pixekai to save this virtual world and your real world! FEATURES -Over 130 monsters to capture & evolve! -Fully animated monsters and characters. -A vivid and massive world to explore. -An epic storyline with tons of quests to complete. -Challenge other tamers to become the best! -Customize monster skills to fit your own strategy. -Hours of addictive gameplay. -Universal app with Game Center Support. -Test your skills against real players in the

Preços de venda: 4.9 => 0.99 BRL

The Greedy Cave


In a land far, far away there once was a vast continent called Milton. It was a land where the power of rule came by the sword and the arcane, where Men who devoted themselves to the blade or to magecraft, could become the finest warriors, wisest wizards or the greatest adventurers. In this land, there are several kingdoms divided by borders but united through history. Countless stories of alliances, upheaval, and moments of peace bedeck this tapestry, but that is a tale for another day. Our story begins in a remote kingdom to the north, Iblis, an obscure and oft-forgotten place. It is a wild and barren land, a place where its people scrape a living from the earth, mining minerals for the lords of the south. On occasion, adventurers would stop by for the night but never linger. Until one day, a fledgling adventurer lost his way and stumbled into a hole. The story might have ended then had he not come back, but return he did, with sacks of gold and glittering treasure. Like a fierce

Preços de venda: 100 => 0.9 BRL