
Flügelschlag ist ein entspannendes, preisgekröntes Strategie-Kartenspiel über Vögel für 1 bis 5 Spieler. Jeder ausgespielte Vogel ermöglicht eine Kette mächtiger Kombinationen in einem deiner drei Lebensräume. Dein Ziel ist es, die besten Vogelarten in deine Naturschutzgebiete zu locken.

Offiziell lizenzierte digitale Adaptation von Flügelschlag, dem Gewinner der prestigeträchtigen Auszeichnung Kennerspiel des Jahres 2019.

Ihr seid Vogelliebhaber – Forscher, Vogelbeobachter, Ornithologen und Sammler – und versucht, eine Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen Arten in eure Naturschutzgebiete zu locken. Jede Vogelart bildet starke Kombinationsketten in einem der Lebensräume. Jeder der drei Lebensräume steht für einen wesentlichen Aspekt des Wachstums eurer Gebiete.

In Wingspan (Flügelschlag) wetteifern bis zu 5 Spieler darum, in einer vorgegebenen Rundenanzahl ihre Naturschutzgebiete aufzubauen. Jeder der wunderschönen Vögel, die du einem Gebiet hinzufügst, verbessert deine Fertigkeiten beim

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20 user kommentieren dieses video


Minor rules error at 7:08. You do not get a point for every bird on your board - you do however get the points written on each bird (which is mentioned separately slightly later).


this game also not for me.. felt off because of this 4:12


Is this another reviewer that doesn't actually like any game he plays?


Before you pulled up RFTG at the end, I had the thought, "You're describing RftG perfectly here, but the odds are exceedingly slim you are actually thinking of that game and about to plop it out."


I loved your channel already, but now I trust your taste forever. RftG is fantastic and surprisingly deep, altho it may take 20-50 plays to really figure out how to play it, all the while being accessible and easy to teach and ostensibly random.

For RftG fans or those interested, even though it seems so random, and it is, over many games, the randomness converges to very low. I had played 1000 games of it vs. the AI, and my friend had played 300 vs. it. When he and I played, I managed to beat him in 32 of 33 games.

It's like Rummy 500. Once you know the secret, you become hella strong. If you think RftG is mostly solitaire, then you don't know the secret and aren't hella strong at it.

Thx for mentioning RftG as great. Bc it so is.


the theme makes it very nice to look at but it really has nothing to do with the mechanics :/


I consider myself a 'gamer', but after many years of gaming intensively, I lost interest a bit - Wingspan was the one game that really drew me back in. The issues you point out are fair, but for myself and some of my friends, the complexity without overly long gameplay was a real attraction. We also find that players pretty consistently score in a certain range suggesting that in spite of appearances, chance isn't as much of a factor. I think this is the case because Wingspan has many avenues that allow you to adjust for 'bad luck'. You may not be able to play the strategy you picked at the start, but there are generally good ways out of any pickle for the skilled player. I will note that you posted this before Oceania, and I feel that that expansion's 'nectar' improves the game's balance and opens up even more ways to get back into a game that may seem not to go your way. Opinions and everything, but I would generally strongly recommend Wingspan as a gamer's game.


"I like it, but I don't love it enough to keep it" is exactly how I feel about this game. It LOOKS great, but its under the cover basically pretty damn bland.




The way you review the theme is interesting to me bc as an environmental scientist/ ecologist I had a very different view of how the mechanics interact with the theme. I saw the “aviary” as a designed ecosystem, much like a park or ecosystem restoration design. Laying egg actions simply meant you were encouraging reproduction & eggs represented the volume of individuals in that species community. Gaining food was done by introducing primary consumer species (worms, fish, mice) or panting producer species (berries & grain). Drawing birds was akin to researching new possible species & playing them was akin to stocking or planting. It never occurred to me that my occupation inspired head cannon wasn’t universal.


Sorry Quinn, our imagined bromance is over, done, finito... If ever there was a game that I don't mind losing, because I've just enjoyed builfding my own engine of beautiful birds. If you want more animated birdson the cards, checkout the computer version.


F you for slurping that drink. Unsubscribed. Jesus.


For me it's squinting across the table at the three face-up bird cards which have too much information on them in too small a font, much of it printed in grey-on-white. Makes me want to ignore them and just draw blind from the deck,.


Wingspan feels like a really "half thought out" game to me. There is barely any player interaction other than to observe others as if some external variable. The game starts very slowly and then ramps up in intensity near the end, but if you start poorly that just amplifies your losses in the long run. It's just a slow decay for those that didn't start off properly and Patience for everyone else.

One of the few games I genuinely do not see the appeal of.


To mitigate the randomness, we do a draft at the beginning. You still get 2 bonus cards and 5 bird cards, and then you pick 1 bird card and pass the other 4, until each person has 5 bird cards and 2 bonus cards, and then proceed as though you were just dealt those 5 bird cards.

It vastly improves the early game, and removes the feels-bad moment of a terrible opening hand.


Loved this review. Wingspan was my entry game. But then I'm finding out I'm curmudgeonly solo player, who finds most gateway games stressful or a cringefest.


Oh man I just wrote a whole comment and I clicked Cancel by accident. This review almost put me off buying the game but then it came up discounted on Prime Day so I went ahead. And I love it! For me some of the points raised do occur (luck of the draw and strategic restrictions) may ring true at some points (though you can just accept that and wait until you get lucky and enjoy that) there are some easy tweaks you can make to the rules to suit your preferences. Draft your cards at the start being the main ne and is a very popular house rule as i understand. I like to fill the player mats with cards and then select from here according to your chosen bonus cards.

Also you can mitigate for temporary engine weakness by adding 4 bonus moves across the game with extra counters. Play these when you most need them!

On the theme while Quinn is technically correct on a couple of points, there's enough truth to the theming that it can work for you, and it definitely does for me! I love seeing the habititat with all these birds laying eggs in a nest, and storing food. It makes me imagine it in real life. I don't imagina an aviary, just a nice habitat.

House Rues for games like this are a no brainer, you can apply them to suit your taste and make a beautiful game work better for you!


Revisiting this review after three years... you nailed it. And I can't help but to think about Ark Nova and how it shares some of the same flaws, but just makes it longer.


Sounds like terraforming mars, i think sometimes its nice to play games where the scoring is almost a bit random though - if the game itself was engaging and fun then it doesn't really matter. I find with very crunchy games sometimes that being more in control of/knowing how to optimise your points leads to more ap around the table and a less fun experience


THIS is the video I needed to see. I’ve been on the fence about this game. Great job


The fact my wife played this game and enjoyed it proves this is one hell of an entry game.

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