Valhalla Hills


Da arbeitet man sein Leben lang nach dem Willen der Götter, kämpft tapfer und stirbt einen ehrenhaften Tod, und dann das! Die armen Wikinger stehen vor den Toren Asgards, um Einlass nach Walhalla zu bekommen. Doch das undankbare Götterpack schlägt ihnen schlecht gelaunt das Tor vor der Nase zu. Ein echter Wikinger aber gibt nicht auf. Wenn man schon nicht auf herkömmlichem Weg nach Walhalla kommt, dann eben zu Fuß!

Doch die sonst so mächtigen Wikinger sind den Gefahren und Herausforderungen der Berglandschaften alles andere als gewachsen. Kümmere dich um ihren Schutz, sammle Nahrung, schlage Holz und sorge dich in um das Wohlergehen deines kleinen Volks. Erreiche das Portal auf der Spitze des Berges, nur dann kommen die Wikinger ihrem Ziel ein Stück näher.

In der Manier eines klassischen Aufbauspiels gilt es in Valhalla Hills die Produktivität der Wikinger durch ein anspruchsvolles und ausbalanciertes Wirtschaftssystem zu steigern.


- Von den Entwicklern von Kult-Klassike

Valhalla Hills is a building strategy game in the tradition of games like The Settlers or “Cultures”. The player has to lead his outcast Viking heroes to the top of a mountain, where a magical portal is leading to Valhalla. But to do so the Vikings need to do one thing first: Survive!

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20 user kommentieren dieses video




This reminds me of Cultures 2 Gates of Asguard a 2002 game on the PC.


dat voice <3






Damn I am so proud my ancestors were vikings


Oh for crying out loud.. Can you not just show the gameplay instead of talking.. I just want too see how it plays without some annoying person talking over it..


Awesome ingame music. Can you write me name of this music?


I liked this video, soothing voice, really charming and honest presentation of the game.
The game seems enjoyable, the relaxing tone presented here is probably what I'm gonna get with the game. Seems like a title to calmly pass the time, always introspective, planning my moves and making decisions, a pleasant ride.


this is the best video you were able to come up with? the presentation is so boring that I dont even care if the game is good. cant keep watching O_o


These vids should be shorter and more to the point. 7 mins on a vid for an indie game is a bit much, I watched about 45 seconds before getting bored with waiting. Maybe on a very high production review of a AAA game 7 mins is ok but not for a gameplay demo from the devs themselves (entertaining youtuber maybe otherwise no, unless heavily edited E3 content).

This is just free advice for the dev, not being a prick just saying how it is. Look at the views to the like/dislike bar... Remove the ego and see the truth for what it is.

Gimme the most important bits ASAP, fire your marketing guy.


A viking named "Lasse". I'm pretty sure that it's a relatively new name, probably latin in origin (laurentius), and is it even that common in scandinavia? I know it's pretty popular in Finland and Sweden but Norway? Denmark?


Clearly a beautiful nordic speaking in this video


is this anything like the old black and white games


First time ever I saw my name in a game, and she goes and renames him...




Looks fantastic, very interested in this one!


What program was this game made in?


Looks rad.


It definitely has a Settlers vibe, and it's a good thing. The animations are a little clunky, but hopefully will be fixed before release. I will keep an eye (or two) on it.

Valhalla Hills
23.99 => 22.99 EUR