

Sudoku bietet Ihnen mit 700 Puzzles auf vier unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsstufen stundenlangen Spaß beim Puzzle Spielen. Jetzt haben Sie das Sudoku-Puzzle auf Ihrem iPhone oder iPod Touch immer bei sich und können so spielen, wann immer und wo immer Sie möchten. Versuchen Sie Ihr Glück oder stellen Sie Ihre Strategie auf die Probe, um Ihre Bestzeiten zu verbessern.


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- Puzzles in unterschiedlichem Stil: normal, symmetrisch und gemustert

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We take a look at this extremely powerful and important technique which comes up again and again in difficult puzzles.

20 user kommentieren dieses video


9:00 COuldnt the right cell be the pivot? 3 and 4 can see all others


Can you eliminate the 7 in row 1, column 6, if you use the 2-6 as the pivot, and the 2-7 and 6-7 (found in box 2) as pincers? I paused the video and that was the xy wing I found, so I was a little confused that there was another xy wing as your example!


There should definitely be a CtC history channel - this video looks so vintage in 2022. What a difference to nowadays.


My Brain hurts ^^


I feed dumb because i just don't get the logic... I thought i was good at soduku.


Does every puzzle have an XY wing? I've gone thru a hard puzzle and only kept the cells that have two numbers and I do not see an XY wing.


Is anyone else here in their 20s?


I tried my hands on the last puzzel, but I cant solve it. I get stuck with thousend pencilmarks and only 7 singels entered so far. Its been 2 weeks..... I think I need help. I tried it various times with either 3 or 8 in r1c2 and it just seem like it doesn't work. I feel so stupid and frustrated


Thanks so much! FINALLY understand the Y-wing technique.


I’ve worked sudoku puzzles for years. I NEVER have been able to find an XY wing. Apparently there’s something I’m not picking up on


7:10 3 cells, 2 digits each. 3 unknown digits in total . Pivot is the one that look at the other two.


I have a question. In the last puzzle you show, there is a 4-8 pairing in column one, and a 3-4 pairing in the same square right, square 7? In column 2? So, could the 4-8 and 3-4 pairing from square 7, columns 1 and 2, be in a Y wing with the 3-8 pairing at the top of column 2? In other words, could the y wing be in columns 1 and 2 or does it have to be in columns 2 and 3, and if so, why? Cheers. :o)


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Before you even start, in column 6 / row 2 how did you exclude the 2? Column 7 / row 2 how did you exclude the 4? And Column 7 / row 4 how did you exclude the 4? I just don't see it.


it seems a difficult thing to spot if you dont use full notation


Thank you for this lesson, it's very clear and helpful!


Actually in the first puzzle there is another XY-Wing (after swordfish): 267: r1c2, r2c1, r2c6. It eliminates the 7s in r1c56 which immediately gives us a 7 in r2c6 and a 4 in r1c5 and the nthe whole second square.


Wait. I'm having a hard time understanding why the 4 needed to be eliminated. When I look at the green triple, it seems that since 2 can't be in column 5, then there has to be a 2 in one of the other cells in the triple. And any of those 2 positioned would eliminate the 2 from the cell in columns 1
Is my reasoning mistaken or did Simon simply missed this reasoning?


I can apply XY Wings, 3 linked color chains, and swordfish techniques, but I have an incredible amount of difficulty spotting them myself. On Andoku 3, these techniques are intrduced in the "Hard" tier of puzzles, and I usually find myself at a point where I have... about 30 or so squares left to fill in the puzzles, and all the pencil marks filled in, and I wind up flailing blindly from any 3-cell combo of 3-4 candidates with 2 candidates per cell I can find ("Hey, there's a cell with 56 candidates, a cell with 1 5 candidates, and a cell with 16, and a cell with 1 candidates, and look, the 5 or 1 or 6 has only two candidates in this house... maybe this will work. " And then a minute later I realize it was a dead end all along and I start scanning again, hoping to stumble upon a different chain or wing that bears fruit.
For example, in the puzzle at 7:12, my eyes immediately went towards columns 4 and 6 - the 34, 14, and 48 cells. If I were solving this puzzle myself, on my own, I probably would have started pencilling in the remaining candidates in subgrids 5 and 8, then and moved to subgrids 6 and 9.

I guess I just have bad intuition for these things since there's a bit of a spacial component to them, rather than mere set logic. Do you have any advice on getting better at them?


Helpful, thanks

I call Y wings ‘bent triple’ as that helps me remember them more easily

But I realise I have only been looking for right angle versions, whereas I should be looking for more variations / 2 in a box

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