

Captura, evoluciona y recoge más de 300 únicos Nexomon!

¡Ensambla tu propio equipo de Nexomon para salvar a tus amigos y proteger el mundo! ¡Batalla contra campeones legendarios y conviértete en un héroe en este épico viaje!

• Más de 300 Nexomon para atrapar y entrenar.
• Evoluciona tu Nexomon en formas nuevas y poderosas.
• ¡Aplicación universal! Juega en tu iPhone, iPod o iPad.
• Soporte de iCloud. Copia de seguridad de sus datos y jugar en todos sus dispositivos!
• Obtén stickers exclusivas de Nexomon iMessage!
• Un sistema de batalla profundo y atractivo.
• ¡Participa en una aventura épica para salvar al mundo del Rey Nexomon!
• Combate contra otros entrenadores en el mundo de Nexomon
• Selecciona de siete Nexomon iniciales para tu aventura.
• Explora las 9 coloridas y vibrantes regiones.
• ¡Monstruos totalmente animados, prepárense para disfrutar de las batallas más emocionantes!
• ¡Experiencia de juego de alta calidad como ninguna otra!

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Nexomon: Extinction is a monster catching RPG that will look familiar to many. Trying to be an indie Pokémon, can it compete on the Nintendo Switch? Find out in our in-depth review!

Fight Crab Switch Review:

Review written by Alex Grave
Edited by Jordan

Nexomon is a monster catching/battler as you try to save the world with your Nexomon allies. It looks a lot like the classic Nintendo series, but with a gorgeous looking art style and presentation.

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Many thanks from the SwitchWatch team - James, Juan and Jordan

20 usuarios comentan en este video


Many thanks to Alex for this review. What do you guys think of it? Still picking it up to try for yourself? We’d love to know your thoughts


Best series Eva. Better than Pokemon could ever hope to be. This series has made me laugh. The best part is that it's not broken. Unlike Scarlet and Violet.


How well did this video age guys? LMAO


-Doesn't like that the games overall tone and humor are different than pokeon.

-says it's too much like pokemon



Did nexomon devs murder this guy's family or something ?


I actually liked this review and thought it was very fair. Lots of people in the comments are just hating on new gen Pokemon. I can see the issues with the newer games but anyone who thinks the quality of this game outshines its inspiration is a joke. This is a mobile game on Switch.


Honestly you just seem like a Pokemon fanboy who is pissed that a clone is getting popular


Catching everything in an area is very achievable considering you earn both money and experience if you don't catch anything and the trainers are repeatable, I had caught every new nexomon I saw without any issues


If Pokemon wasn't so stale and hadn't lost it's way I would agree with you, but in this case the clone is superior and is more like the original Pokemon than actual modern Pokemon


When he says: this game is unbalanced, i say: the recent installments of Pokémon have made you weak.
The characters may be mean, but you have to admit, they have more personality than the recent installments of Pokémon.


Fantastic game many of the statment's he makes about the game are simply not true.


Wana be that is disrespectfull


lol nexomon extinction in my opinion is better the sword/shield in almost every category except monster names




Yikes this is not your best review


As hard as it was for the reviewer to get through this game, getting through this "review" was just as if not more vexing. It was like sitting through an edgy kid in class going "this is my stupid book report on the stupid Civil War that my stupid teacher is making me do."


Honestly i liked it more than the 3d pokemon games


As an avid Pokémon gamer since the yellow version that I have in my childhood days to SWSH, I recommend Nexomon 100%.
Corny humors are there but the overall experience takes me back to the Black and White series for some reason.
A little grind-y and a hard mode version of A monster collecting game.
Always carry a ton of Potions, Ethers etc.
I want more.


I play Pokémon and Nexomon 1 and 2 and I like nexomon more. The reason why is because the story is completely different than Pokémon and the capture functions and stuff like Spencer’s vaults which are not stories but they are secerets. The game has an entire side quest system instead of just main quests. The game always makes you laugh in the first one with atlas and in the second game with coco. The way the wild nexomon work is cooler than Pokémon since the nexomon will be the same level as your own nexomon. The fact that you can change your character name at any time is just good. I’m not saying don’t get Pokémon but buying nexomon is not a waste.


I'm currently playing through the game, and I've gotta say, I'm loving it. The Nexomon designs are so much better and more original than the past few gens of Pokemon. Its also nice to have an actual story to follow through the world of Nexomon and give you a reason to go on an adventure and explore unlike Pkmn where we haven't seen much story since Black(2) & White (2) - three generations ago - the most story we get from Pkmn nowadays is the gym challenge with the 'story' poking its head up towards the end when the flagship Pkmn needs to be caught. I think its really unfair to compare this game to Pkmn, as, yes, they have taken A LOT of inspiration the Pkmn series, but it's also making its own image. I mean, we don't compare Digimon games (mainly Cyber Sleuth, etc) and such to Pkmn because, although similar, they are their own stand alone games and franchise. I love the designs, the story, and the nods to new and old gamers alike with its tongue-in-cheek humor - it's refreshing to see! And the main thing people need to remember, Vewo Interactive aren't Game Freak. They are a small company who started out with a mobile game - not a multi million/billion dollar business. I really don't understand all the hate this game seems to be getting from quite a few reviewers, but looking at the comments to these videos, there is support from players - and that makes me happy to see. And considering its less than half the price of Sword and Shield - its better value for money for me and doesn't need to hide behind paid for DLC.

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