Expert Sudoku HD


WARNING!! Expert Sudoku HD is for serious Sudoku players only! Our hand-crafted puzzles are solvable with only one solution (but no guessing is required). Show your expertise using advanced solving techniques like: Naked and Hidden Triples, X-Wing, XY-Wing, Swordfish, Forcing Chain, 2-String Kites, Skyscraper, Unique Corner, and more.

* 1,000 unique handcrafted puzzles
* Assortment of puzzles in different styles: standard, symmetrical and patterned
* Four different skill levels
* Multiple color schemes
* Show Incorrect :: Shows incorrect answer in red
* Multiple Notes :: for each answer square
* Smart Buttons :: Disables the number button when that number is completed on the game board
* Smart Notes :: Removes the number from the notes in the box, column, and row that contains that cell with your correct answer
* Best Times, Progress statistics
* Send an email challenge to a friend so they can try to beat your best time on a puzzle
* Pause the game at any time and resume w

20 user kommentieren dieses video


Is there any chance someone can name the sudoku software he used in this, please?


Wow, that was wonderful. Thanks!


The expert level i still could not pass through. Huhu


I wonder what yourself back would think of puzzles today?


I am enjoying going back an re-solving the puzzles in these older puzzles with newer techniques. I was astounded that the first number I got was the 1 in R8C9 using the Phistomefel Ring. That made the 3/4 pair in box 9 easy to find and we were away.


What sudoku game/tool is this programm?


I cannot seem to find this windows based software on the web anymore. Does anyone have a link?


Whare can I get this puzzle?


Really appreciate this video. Very helpful!


19:46 hahahahahaahh I relate to making all my mistakes when the puzzle is already mostly solved.


So this means each cell cannot have more than two predictions??


How does he know the first 7 he wrote in has to be there?


Can someone explain to me at @07:50 where he pulled that 7 from


Thank you so much. I learnt something new from you.


I am a huge fan of Sudoku and have been playing since it started spreading worldwide. Did not look at tutorials or videos out there and have been exploring techniques myself. It is nice to feel validated that those techniques that I've practiced over the years are actually named and well rooted in the Sudoku community as well. Looking forward to more videos like these to learn


what program is he using


Can someone explain what's the logic behind 7:58 where he placed down 7. Couldn't there be 7 in row 3 as well?


@11:15 i was lost at this point with the 3 and 4 pairing, why has he limited the 3 and a 4 in those squares.. why cant say a 4 go after the 9 in the bottom row


What software do you use for this? I want to up my skills in solving and I think doing it in sw will really help me


How do I figure all of this stuff out on my own and it still takes me half an hour to do an expert puzzle

Expert Sudoku HD
3.49 => 2.99 EUR