Bridge Constructor Playground


Bridge Constructor Playground bietet allen Altersgruppen einen spielerischen Zugang zum Thema „Brückenbau“. Dieses Spiel überlässt Dir alle Freiheiten, um Dich kreativ auszutoben - nichts ist unmöglich. In über 30 neuartigen Levels gilt es, Brücken über tiefe Täler, Kanäle oder Flüsse zu bauen. Anschließend werden die gebauten Brücken einem Stress-Test unterzogen, indem Du PKWs und/oder LKWs darüber fahren lässt.

Bridge Constructor Playground bietet im Vergleich zum ursprünglichen #1 Hit Bridge Constructor einen noch leichteren Zugang zum Spiel inkl. eines ausführlichen Tutorials. Deiner Bau- und Konstruktionslust sind kaum Grenzen gesetzt, denn es muss kein vorgegebenes Budget beim Bau der Brücken eingehalten werden und auch die Baumaterialien unterliegen nahezu keinerlei Einschränkungen. Hier kannst Du dich frei austoben und beim kreativen Brückenbau die Zeit vergessen. Erfahrene Spieler dagegen können sich den Herausforderungen des neuen Abzeichen-Systems stellen: für jede Brücke

Bridge Constructor Playground by Headup Games GmbH & Co KG

Bridge Constructor Playground offers people of all ages an introduction to the topic of "bridge building". This game gives you the freedom to let your creative side run riot -- nothing is impossible. Across 30 innovative levels you have to build bridges over deep valleys, canals or rivers. Following this your bridges will be subjected to a stress test to see whether they can support the weight of the cars and/or trucks which drive across them.

In comparison to the #1 hit Bridge Constructor, Bridge Constructor Playground offers an even easier entry to the game incl. an extensive tutorial. With no fixed budget, and next to no limitations on building materials, there are almost no limits: you can build and construct to your heart's desire. Here you are free to do as you please and let the time fly by with creative bridge building. Experienced players will enjoy the challenges of the new badge system: for every bridge there are 5 badges to be won for which you must fulfill certain requirements. For example, building a bridge that can carry no more than a certain load limit. All of this, paired with a bright and friendly look, makes Bridge Constructor Playground an exciting and also educational experience for the whole family, offering hours of gaming fun.


• 32 Levels
• New badge system for beginners and pros
• 5 Settings: City, Canyon, Beach, Mountains, Rolling hills
• Survey map with unlocked worlds / levels
• Extensive tutorial for easy entry to the game
• 4 different building materials: wood, steel, steel cable, concrete piles
• Percentages and colored visualization of building material's stress loads
• Two different stress levels: car and truck
• High score per Level
• Connection to the Game Center with leaderboards and achievements
• Connection to Facebook (Upload screenshots and bridge scores)

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Odd puzzle game. Almost like a construction sim.

Bridge Constructor Playground
9.99 => 8.99 EUR