One Soul Radio

One Soul Radio

My Father Was Ram Dass: A Conversation with Peter Reichard

Psychologist, spiritual teacher, philanthropist, and author of the groundbreaking book Be Here Now, Ram Dass learned at age 78 that he had a 53-year-old son, Peter Reichard. In this episode, Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert welcome Peter and his wife Linda for their very first joint interview to discuss Ram Dass, share stories about his profound influence, and offer action steps to channel his teachings in a way that can enhance your spiritual practice and your everyday life.

The Intuitive Life

Mind Body

The Astrology of Pluto: Change & Transformation

Join Psychic Medium Laura Wooster and her guest, professional astrologer Dorothy Morgan, as they discuss the current astrology outlook - and they also offer readings for a few listeners!

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Mainly Moonology

Yasmin Boland

How to Use the Energies of Mercury this Week with Cassandra Tyndall | S2 Ep 84

This week holds a secret key to steering your life in the direction you want. This week's podcast is all about that and more.We also have my good friend and amazing Astrologer, Cassandra Tyndall, joining us as we break down the energies of the week so you can use them to your advantage.This week we have so much action happening with Mercury, with the planet forming a trine aspect to Uranus, opposing Neptune, and then trining Pluto. After that, it will change signs from Virgo and then Libra. This is the perfect time for a Post-Retrograde Cleanup. We'll run through how this will affect each sign. If you don't know your rising sign, you can find out at ➡️ Takeaways:00:00 Intro00:34 The Energies of Mercury this Week02:46 How Mercury will be affecting your sign17:20 Moonology of the WeekMore about Cassandra:Get a discounted reading/guidance with Cassandra! U

Healthy Living Intuitively

Mind Body

The Current Epidemic of EVERYTHING Being Called “Crazy”

From “nutty” to “extreme amazement”, do we or do we not want to be part of the latest ..uh..”craze”? Join Dr. Mona Lisa as she teaches you the mind-body and medical intuitive solutions to handling your unique personality moods and quirks while also maintaining an even footing in this often unstable judgmental world.
Join the podcast studio audience every Wed 4PM ET/1PM PT . To find out how to join the show with your question or comment please go to Dr. Mona Lisa’s Fan Page on Facebook  and follow her on Instagram @drmonalisa1 to get the Zoom link for the podcast taping.
During the show, you may even get through on the reading line (207 846 6475) for a free mini-reading. Can't listen LIVE? Listen on podcast: Apple, Spotify, Amazon Music, and wherever you get your podcasts.
Dr. Mona Lisa’s Private Readings; Dr.

Energy Activation

Mind Body

Cut Your Karmic Cords and Free Yourself from Negative Relationship Patterns!

Whether it's difficult relationships with others or unhealthy attitudes towards yourself, you can go back to the source and change the old negative influences - even if they were long ago. Find out from Sandra how to cut the self-sabotaging karmic cords and finally release hurtful, unhappy relationship patterns once and for all!

Join Sandra Anne Taylor in beautiful Tuscany- Find out more here

Books and audio here

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Big Universe

Mind Body

When Fear Speaks... Listen with Dennis Merritt Jones

Join Jim and Mona for an exploration of the importance of fear with author Dennis Merritt Jones. How can fear be a messenger? What are fear's descendants? Dive into his book with us, When Fear Speaks...Listen!

Upcoming events with Dennis Merritt Jones

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Bliss Happens

Mind Body

Bliss and Social Media...or Not?

Is bliss possible in our digital world?  Can we bring mindfulness to our social media experience?  Listen in as Skip, Chad and Faith explore this techy world.  Learn to focus on your own spiritual algorithm and create an online experience that is custom-made, empowering & inspiring for YOU!
Connect with the Bliss Happens crew
Faith Rivera
Monday 7pm HT Let it Out Class with Faith Rivera
Skip Jennings
Chad Bradford
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The Genna Effect

Mind Body

God and Your Ego are ONE!

The most misunderstood part of our human psyche is the ego! Not only are there contradictory definitions and understandings in the field of Psychology, but there are also various interpretations amongst today’s spiritual and metaphysical teachings. All this confusion about the MOST important trait of being a being gets in the way of you, your magnificence, and your Divine gifts!
During this episode of The Genna Effect, Spiritual Teacher and Host, Vincent ends all the confusion about what to do with your ego! Not only does Vincent provide credible evidence that our egos are vital to our existence as spiritual beings, but he also proves that it is not the culprit keeping us from experiencing our Divineness and our true essence.
Vincent Genna

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Dr. Dravon James Every Day Peace

Mind Body

Is Technology Improving the Human Condition? with guest Alfarin Bellasario

Can we hold on to our humanity and still reap the benefits of artificial intelligence?
Dr. Dravon James talks with Afarin Bellisario! Listen as she discusses her new novel Silenced Whispers.
Silenced Whispers is the story of an Iranian woman’s battle for freedom—hers and her country’s—and love amid profound social change, imperial power grabs, and the chaos of WWI.
In over three decades of professional experience, Dr. Bellisario has held executive strategy, marketing, and technical positions with major firms such as Intel, Analog Devices, BBN (Raytheon), Booz-Allan and Hamilton, as well as MIT and a number startups. Most recently she managed MIT’s portfolio in Electronics, Communications, and Semiconductors encompassing over 500 inventions, where she licensed over 80 patents and cases in a span of 3 years. credits to

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Bring Your Soul to Work

Mind Body

Asking for Help Is Your Biggest Superpower

Most people think asking for help is a sign of weakness. Asking for and getting help are the best guarantees to getting what you want.
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Be Present: The Diane Ray Show

Mind Body

Fleeing Castro's Cuba- Last Flight from Havana with Maria Quintana

Growing up in S. Florida I encountered many people from Cuba. My brother-in-law is Cuban, and I spent a lot of time working in Miami. I love the Cuban people, food, coffee, family values and strength so I really loved reading Maria Quintana’s memoir, Last Flight from Havana. Cuba is a fascinating place that a lot of us don’t really know a lot about.
Marie Quintana is a Fortune 50 corporate leader from humble beginnings. She has held executive positions with companies like PepsiCo, Perot Systems, Tenet Healthcare and IBM. She shares her remarkable life journey in her new memoir. Her story is a celebration of strength, triumph, family, and hope- inspiring us all to never give up in the face of adversity.

Get the book- Last Flight from Havana by Maria Quintana
Connect with Marie Quintana here
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The Kelly Sullivan Walden Show

Mind Body

3 Words to Avoid to Make the Best of the Rest of Your Life with Jude Luttrell and Nancy T

If not now, when?
Besides exploring the 3 words to avoid to make the best of the rest of your life, we have a we explore the hilarious way Nancy T and Jude met.  Here's a hint--it had something to do with the amazing Byron Katie.
Jude Luttrell coaches with full-on wisdom and enthusiasm. She is a weekly blogger whose articles can be found on her website, Videos about empowerment, awareness, creating a better life and tips on clothing and makeup... you name it can be found on her daily TikTok and IG page. Jude is a writer and a published author, an ordained minister, a graduate of the University of Santa Monica with certifications in Consciousness, Heath and Healing, Spiritual Psychology, and Soul Centered Life Coaching, a 50-year meditator in TM and Mindfulness and a Breast Cancer Survivor.
Watch the Show on YouTube
Kelly Sullivan W

De Viaje con RevAna

RevAna Quintana

259. Me entrego, hay paz [aired June 24, 2024]

Irónicamente nuestra expansión y crecimiento no dependen tanto de nuestra capacidad de actuar pero nuestra capacidad de fluir y permitir basada en nuestra disposición de buscar el reino primero.

Messages of Hope

Mind Body

A Spirit-Guided Meditation: Peace Within & In Our World

(GUIDED MED BEGINS 9:00) Join Suzanne Giesemann as she and her guides lead an online guided meditation for the personal experience of peace within and the creation of peace within our world. You CAN make a difference. You WILL feel the energy of the group of kindred spirits both in the physical and non-physical realms gathered to raise consciousness, one soul at a time.
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Funniest Thing!

Darrell Fusaro

Miracles Are Natural with C. C. Gaitan

The only thing that gets in the way of miracles is our bad habit of disbelief. We are the only ones who set the limits for ourselves. We tell ourselves stories that lower our expectations and we convince ourselves to be “reasonable” about our needs and desires being fulfilled. Meanwhile, all the power of the universe is waiting, ready, and excited to go to work on our behalf. On this episode, Darrell and Ed encourage listeners, to start enjoying the belief that God is at work: harmonizing, healing, and prospering all of our affairs. This is the technique of living from miracle to miracle. And, during the second segment, Cheerful CC Gaitan gets us to break the bad habit of disbelief with today’s reading, “If Not Now, When?”
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Temple Hayes Podcast

Mind Body

Gratitude Makes Dreams Possible

Temple Hayes shares her thoughts on how the energy of Gratitude can open us up to new possibilities. Gratitude is based upon what you see, and grace is holding the space of incredible things happening even though they haven’t appeared yet. Gratitude is the foundation for miraculous grace that has our names on it. Be open to being surprised by what the Universe has in store for you. 
Find out more about Rev. Temple Hayes
Find books and oracle card decks from podcast hosts in the online store
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Main Street Vegan

Mind Body

Victoria's Favorites - The Surprising Truth About Protein & Vegans with Brenda Davis, RD

Please enjoy this re-broadcast of one of Victoria Moran’s favorite episodes
Brenda Davis, RD, the "godmother of vegan dietitians", according to VegNews magazine, dishes on protein and guess what?––Some of us do need more than we thought. She shares about protein needs, who may be coming up short (kids, pregnant and nursing moms, and older adults), and how to meet our needs as healthy, plant-based peeps. Brenda's latest book, coauthored with Vesanto Melina, MS, RD, and Cory Davis, P.Ag, is Plant Powered Protein: Nutrition Essentials and Dietary Guidelines for All Ages.
Find her at
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Truth Transforms

Mind Body

Neville Goddard: Your Faith is Your Fortune - Part 18 - The Twelve Disciples

In this series, Rev. McDowell explores the teachings of Neville Goddard as taught in his book “Your Faith is Your Fortune.” This episode focuses on chapter eighteen “The Twelve Disciples” and Rev. McDowell teaches Neville’s alternative hypothesis on the metaphysical interpretation of the twelve main disciples of Jesus. 

Find Rev. Gaylon McDowell on Facebook
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A Course in Miracles

Jennifer Hadley

Life and Joy and Love

We block the Joy and Love that's available to us in so many ways and we don't even realize it. We often find ourselves managing and coping with problems when we don't have to. In this episode, Jennifer shares her daily experience of discovering the patterns of the conditioned mind and choosing Freedom, liberation and healing instead - while remembering to be lighthearted about even the most challenging things. To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit For the transcript of this episode and more please visit Our mind is the mind of God and we're not victims of circumstance - ever!
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Last Self Help Podcast

Unity Online Radio

Reality Shifting with Cynthia Sue Larson

Join us with esteemed author and physicist Cynthia Sue Larsen about how we can use both spirituality and quantum science to better understand our ability to more fully impact our reality. We know Self Help is an inside job and Cynthia helps us better understand how the self and the outside world co-mingle with intention and expectation. This is fun and a little nerdy.

Spirit of Recovery

Mind Body

What Character Defects?

Today’s episode is titled, “What Defects of Character?” We are going to talk about the importance of being willing to acknowledge our shortcomings, thinking here of course of Step 6, and our question for you is, “What is one shortcoming or character flaw that you realized you had and what was it like to finally see it and own it?”
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The Yoga Hour

Lasting Peace Begins with Us

How can we contribute to a lasting peace in the world? The ancient yogic scriptures tell us that the power to change the world begins with us. Renowned spiritual teacher and spiritual head of the Himalayan Institute, Pandit Rajmani Tigunait offers practical tools for self-transformation. We can all contribute to lasting peace.
