FRED Film Radio - Sardu Channel

FRED Film Radio - Sardu Channel

Creuza de Mà – Musica per Cinema e il cinema sardo, intervista al regista di Gianfranco Cabiddu

Intervista esclusiva a Gianfranco Cabiddu, regista e sceneggiatore e direttore artistico del festival Creuza de Mà – Musica per Cinema, che si tiene da 17 edizioni a Carloforte.
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FRED Film Radio - English Channel

FRED Film Radio - English Channel

Revealed the program of the 19th Rome Film Fest

The program for the 19th Rome Film Fest, which will take place from October 16 to 27, has been unveiled. This year, the festival will celebrate Marcello Mastroianni and honor Viggo Mortensen and Johnny Depp with lifetime achievement awards, in addition to showcasing many world premieres.
The post Revealed the program of the 19th Rome Film Fest appeared first on Fred Film Radio.
