ACEP Critical Decisions in Emergency Medicine

American College of Emergency Physicians

November 2023: Pediatric Head Injuries and Organisms Resistant to Antibiotics

In the November episode of Critical Decisions in Emergency Medicine, Drs. Danya Khoujah and Wendy Chang discuss pediatric head injuries and organisms resistant to antibiotics. As always, you’ll hear about the hot topics covered in CDEM’s regular features, including lung injuries from vaping in Clinical Pediatrics, a high-pressure injection injury in Critical Cases in Orthopedics and Trauma, anoscopy in The Critical Procedure, shoulder dislocations in the LLSA Literature Review, and a child with periorbital swelling in The Critical Image.

"So What?" with Dr. Howie Mell

So What?

ACEP Frontline - Emergency Medicine

Ryan A. Stanton MD, FACEP

US Guided Nerve Blocks in the ED with Dr. Chase Palisch - TNCEP24

In this segment, we dive into some of the key ultrasound guided regional blocks for pain management in the emergency department. We join Dr. Chase Palisch from Vanderbilt University at TNCEP24 in Chattanooga.

ACEP SA Replay

American College of Emergency Physicians