
The Engineered Network

44: Value

The concept of value has always struck me as odd. Let's pull apart what it actually means, how human it is, and what actually matters when thinking about value.With John Chidgey.Links of potential interest:

Value Definition

Support Analytical on PatreonEpisode Gold Producers:
'r' and Steven Bridle.Episode Silver Producers:
Mitch Biegler, Shane O'Neill, Lesley, Jared Roman, Joel Maher, Katharina Will, Chad Juehring, Dave Jones and Kellen Frodelius-Fujimoto.


The Engineered Network

52: Colonial Pipeline

In 2021 many of Colonial Pipelines IT systems were locked by malware and out of caution they shutdown the fuel pipelines feeding nearly half of the Eastern US leading to chaos at the gas pump and a state of emergency being declared. We look at how poor off-boarding hygiene led to an easily preventable cyber-attack.With John Chidgey.Hearing:

Hearing Before the Committee on Homeland Security House of Representatives Transcript
Threats to Critical Infrastructure: Examining the Colonial Pipeline Cyber-Attack (PDF)
Charles Carmakal Statement from Hearing (PDF)

General Information:

Colonial Pipeline
Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Attack
How Three Major Cyber Attacks Could Have Been Prevented
What IT security teams can learn from the Colonial Pipeline
Evolution of the Chief Information Security Officer
US Fuel Pipeline Hackers Statement
DarkSide Leaks Press Center (X)


The Engineered Network

4: Pressure Loss in Pipes

In the fourth episode of the Neutrium podcast Trevor and Matt continue their discussions on process hydraulics, covering the calculation of the friction factor and its subsequent use in determining pressure loss in a pipe.With Trevor Walker and Matthew Kidd.Links of potential interest:

Neutrium on Bernoullis Equation
Neutrium on Reynolds Number
Neutrium on Head vs Pressure
Neutrium on Pressure loss in a Pipe
Crane Flow of Fluids Through Valves, Fittings, and Pipe (TP-410)
Chemical Engineering Volume 1, Sixth Edition: Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer (Coulson & Richardson’s Chemical Engineering)
Fluid Flow for Chemical and Process Engineers, Second Edition
Piping Calculations Manual

Support Neutrium:


Support Neutrium on PatreonEpisode sponsor:Many Tricks:
If you’re looking for some Mac software that can do Many T


The Engineered Network
