
"FINAL FANTASY IV", ¡por fin para iPhone/iPad!

Este título, la cuarta entrega de la saga FINAL FANTASY, se publicó originalmente en 1991. Tuvo un enorme éxito gracias a sus singulares personajes y emocionantes tramas, y se crearon versiones para muchas plataformas diferentes.

FINAL FANTASY IV fue el primer título en incluir el sistema Active Time Battle (ATB), que se ha convertido en sinónimo de esta serie. También marcó la primera aparición del sistema de aumentos, que permitía transferir habilidades de otros personajes para ayudar a los jugadores en las batallas.

Este legendario título ofrece muchas otras increíbles características:

- Voces en escenas de eventos
Diálogos hablados que acompañan los momentos más importantes.

- Gran caracterización emocional
Los personajes expresan diferentes emociones, claramente distinguibles.

- Nuevo sistema de mapa
Los jugadores empiezan la partida con un mapa de los calabozos completamente en blanco, lo que añade un elemento de descubrimiento

This is a comprehensive review & comparison of Final Fantasy IV for the Super Famicom, Super Nintendo, WonderSwan Color, Game Boy Advance, PlayStation, PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS, Android, iOS, and Steam. Additionally, we also cover Final Fantasy IV: The After Years on mobile phones, Wii, PlayStation Portable, iOS, Android, and PC. This includes the recently released Final Fantasy IV Pixel Remaster as well for PC and smart phones. We cover gameplay changes, bugs, localization, visuals, music, balance and content differences. This comparison should inform you of any and all significant differences between each different version of the game, enough so that you could decide which version you think you'd prefer. It also provides a common ground for discussion among which versions others may prefer.

Fan Translation I recommend:
Uncap FPS of FFIV Pixel Remaster:
Movement Speed mod for FFIV Pixel Remaster:


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0:00 Original Versions
9:45 Handheld Versions
21:28 3D Versions
32:08 Pixel Remaster

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Addendum info (12.12.22)
The PR versions had various bug fixes and stability improvements. If you still experience stutter, consult fan solutions in the description. The text was only marginally improved via a thinner drop shadow.

As pointing out, Rydia could still chocobo summon on SNES. The rare items summons were actually removed.

Back to PR: the balance of gameplay was made very slightly harder due to bug fixes & reduced EXP from enemies. Additionally, rarer drops will drop more frequently, flying enemies now hover, the screen flashes for critical hits, transitioning out of battles when fleeing is faster, and the mini map stays active when transitioning.


Bruh I thought this was ff2 ??‍♂️ they are so confusing.


No way, Super Famicom in Japanese is the only way to go!


Had no idea that the WSC & GBA versions went so hard on the bass with their music. Was it to mask the decisively weak treble? Because that bass is ferociously crankin' while the treble sounds like it's a distance. (On the other hand, the PSP & DS versions aren't as bass heavy, but it sounds like the drums are now the "Hefty Hefty Cinch Sack" audio feature. Speaking of the voice work, why does Kain sound like a Dollar and a Quarter Tree Sephiroth bootleg??)


FF4 is one I'll always cherish. I beat the game on 3 versions, once on the SNES, once on PSP, and once on the Pixel Remaster (Pixel Remaster soundtrack? Thanks Nobuo Uematsu)


I absolutely love how the DS1 focuses on the narrative. It was the first final Fantasy game I ever played back when it came out and it hooked me on the series from that point on.


I have the bga version


I'm bored as heck looking for nostalgia/old rpg games from when I was a kid. My stepmother wouldn't let me play anything.. I just beat ff7, ff10, ffx2, ffx2 was ridiculous story btw I hated so much of it and grinding grinding job/dresspheres was dumb. I liked the fiend created.. made some insanely tough Impale/quick attack fiends lol. But once you're 99 n beat the boss that drops Iron Dukes it's over.


IMO start with the original Snes version. The original music and atmosphere of the graphics are honestly goated compared to all other versions.


I grew up with the SNES FFII version, technically FFiV. Played it a ton and loved it. Always my go to of it all.


You should mention that the new music is optional in the pixelremaster. That would have been a deal breaker for me if I didnt know you could keep the original soundtrack activated.


Square is sitting on incredible assets with the PSP I, II, IV, and two dissidia games. They would be very smart to keep these games accessible!


The best final fantasy ever made


PSP is the Goat version


I only have the Gba version, I would love to have all the 3d FF versions though. I only have part five that's 3d right now.


PSP version is clear.

Edit: I also love the 3D version, the voice acting and some of the animated cutscenes enhance the storyline to me.


first played it on a black and white tv while sick until i was feeling good enough to hook up to family tv i couldnt tell the difference between cecil and kain and was confused the guy that "died" was the one with the jump ability since all cecil could do was auto attack at the time (no darkness)


Which one should you play? All of them, there's no such thing as too much Final Fantasy.


I don't have much experience with the pixel remasters, but I'm pretty certain that Square lied about what they actually are. They're not built from the original games in any case, they're still being developed from whatever the latest version was, and simply removed and changed stuff to make them seem closer to their original releases, at least on the surface.


PSP FF4 Complete Collection is where it is at.

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